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(Español) Catequesis del papa Francisco en la Fiesta de Todos los Santos. Noticias y comunicaciones N° 248
The prophecy od Charles de FOUCAULD. Antonio LÓPEZ BAEZA
“Let us go back to the Gospel, otherwise Christ will not be with us”
Charles de FOUCAULD
The future of the Church is the Desert:
How, if not, can he point to today’s world the path that leads, from the slavery and dependencies that afflict him, to the joyful freedom of the children of God?
The future of the Church is Nazareth:
The prophetic force (that is, convincing) of its word in the world depends on its incarnation in the needs and struggles of the poor and marginalized of each society.
The future of the Church is the Universal Fraternity:
Within it, no one can feel excluded or marginalized; all in embrace, above rites and beliefs, beyond the various ways of conceiving human existence and seeking happiness.
The future of the Church is Jesus, Unique Model:
He who has come not to be served but to serve, the path of Full Humanity in his meek and humble heart; revealing with his Life and with his Death of the Face of a God, Father and Mother, madly in love with every human creature.
The future of the Church is to Shout the Gospel with the Life:
Life that infects the joy of feeling already saved by God. Life that finds all its meaning in the silence of the most selfless service. Life offered in Thanksgiving and Communion to all thirsting for Life.
The future of the Church is the Last Place:
Because he knows, with the wisdom of the Spirit, that the princes and powerful of this world always oppress; and he knows that the first places in the Banquet of the Kingdom are reserved to those who were accepted, while still doing what they had to do, useless servants and without advantage.
The future of the Church is the Absolute of God:
It is convenient for Him to grow and She to decrease. Because only God saves – and God only saves! -, the only one capable of removing Abraham’s children from the stones, and also unique in satisfying the deepest aspirations of the human heart.
The future of the Church is the Adoration of the Eternal:
The Greatest God than all the institutions and ideas that praise and defend his Name. Before Whom there is no more than the silence of the soul in love, surrendered to the astonishment of such immense Love.
The future of the Church is the abandonment in God:
Nothing seeks for itself in the form of honors or privileges; he accepts the misunderstanding, persecution and failure that might come to him to remain faithful to the Gospel, following his Master with the Cross; and he works in the most free of charge, knowing that his mission in the world does not depend on the effectiveness of the temporary means.
The future of the Church is the Evangelical Simplicity:
Let’s go back to the Gospel! Simplicity of Hierarchy. Simplicity of Moral. Simplicity in the liturgical expressions- Simplicity, above all, in the exposition of the Revealed Truth, transmitted to us by the Diaphony of the Word made Flesh.
The Church of the Future will be a Church of the Risen:
Bold and free women and men, passionate lovers of life and risky defenders of Dignity and Human Rights; Blessed in the Poverty of their solidarity spirit; willing to give their lives, in the day to day of their responsibilities, like the grain of wheat that is not afraid to die to bear much fruit for the common good …
Or it won’t be at all!
PDF: The prophecy of Charles de FOUCAULD. Antonio LÓPEZ BAEZA, Eng
(Español) Horeb Ekumene octubre 2019
(Português) O Quinto Evangelho. José Inácio do VALE
Diocesan priests. Our intercultural identity. Klaus BEURLE
We all are born into one culture. Our inherited culture is dear and familiar to us. It has formed our way of living, thinking, feeling, dressing, eating, enjoying, suffering, giving birth, getting married, being single and dying… Our inborn culture is the mental soil on which we were brought up. It has nourished and strengthened us to become conscious and responsible human beings. We may change our nationality or even our religion – but we cannot change our inborn culture.
Culture as base of our identity
Cultures have emerged wherever people are living together for long time in the same territory experiencing together fortune and misfortune, breathing the same air, enjoying the same nature and being exposed to the friendliness or adversity of people from outside. Customs and social relationships have developed over centuries, beautifully presented in poems, legends, songs dances, theatre. Therefore, our culture is essentially part of our identity which we share with people of the same territory, the same history, the same social and political experiences.
When we are gathered with Jesus Caritas on continental or international level we share our cultural identities and enjoy cultural variety among us. How different we are culturally! Bengali culture is quite different from Pakistani culture, Filipino culture from Korean, Myanmari from Indian or Vietnamese culture…
Rapid cultural changes
Historically, in the colonial period culture of native and colonized people was either oppressed, exploited or “well protected” so that nothing could change as colonial power holders ruled the world. At the end of colonial imperialism and after two disastrous world wars, the world has greatly changed politically and culturally. From now on societies of cross-cultures emerged. What was rejected and oppressed got recognized and appreciated. We are far away from being now a “global village”. Differences and conflicts are continuing worldwide although in different structures and international relations. But many nations have become multicultural nations. What the Indian people had experienced over centuries is now reality elsewhere: people of different cultures are living peacefully together, side by side. Accept a few isolated countries like North-Korea or Bhutan everywhere else people of different cultures are engaged in joint ventures, activities and programs with unlimited chances and challenges of inter-cultural encounter and exchange.
Jesus and his culture
Jesus belonging to the people of Juda was born into the Jewish. Culture and religion at that time were identical. The Scribes and High Priests doubted or denied Jesus being a true Jew. Jesus questioned their understanding of culture and religion.
Jesus met people of other cultures. He went beyond cultural customs and religious rules when he addressed the Samaritan woman and the Syro-Phoenician woman although the Jews did not maintain relations with them. He was open to the Roman centurion and healed his servant. Culture was for Jesus not a barrier to meet non-Jews. What Jesus had initiated his followers implemented after his Resurrection and after the outpouring of the Spirit all over the world. They went beyond all cultural frontiers and founded an intercultural global society, the Catholic Church.
Charles de Foucauld beyond his French culture
Charles de Foucauld was a true French, proud of his culture and conscious of its superiority. When striving for worldly success, he joint the French army and later explored Morocco systematically. While losing his faith he was in Morocco deeply impressed by the culture and religion of the Tuareg tribe. When he gradually realized that God exists he rediscovered his original faith. From that time on he wanted nothing else but living for Jesus. Trying to live a hidden simple life like Jesus in Nazareth he ended up, after several detours, in the Sahara of Morocco. He wanted to live among the Tuareg a simple life as Jesus lived in Nazareth. The French immersed into the culture of the Tuareg. Bro. Charles was pioneering intercultural witness of the Gospel.
Diocesan priests – Intercultural messengers of the Gospel
We are living today in multicultural societies. I am day after day amazed to meet people of different colors, different clothes, different appearances. Time has gone when colonial powers had dominated other nations with their culture and missionaries introduced their culture to people in Asia or Latin-America. With the Vatican Council “cultural reversion” took place. Superiority cultural attitude of the West ended, while values of subjugated cultures were recognized and appreciated.
Nowadays, converting history, priests from Asia and Africa are leaving their home countries and their traditional culture to serve in countries with prevailing western culture. Only some Fidei Donum priests availed themselves in previous missionary countries for the time being to support local churches to implement Vatican Council´s recommendations. That was my experience in Bangladesh.
Many priests from Asia and Africa, religious and diocesan, are in the meantime part of pastoral teams in the West, serving local churches and thus being living bridges of their own and their new culture. They are breathing with two lungs – the lung of their inherited culture and the lung of the culture of their host country. Many of them are highly accepted and appreciated by the local Christians. Intercultural dialogue is the way to learn culturally and spiritually from each other. Intercultural priests are messengers of universality and complementarity within the Church. Intercultural identity is a characteristic of being priests in our time. Jesus Caritas offers us special chances to be brothers on intercultural ground enriching one another by sharing what each one represents particularly and of what we have in common. The coming Asian Assembly in Korea will be such a gracious moment of intercultural encounter and sharing.
Klaus Beurle
At the International Assembly in January 2019 in Cebu, Fr. Eric Lozada was elected as the new International Responsible. By then, the National Team decided to call for a special gathering of the local responsibles and those brothers who have made the Month of Nazareth in order to pray, share and discern together for our new National Responsible as well as to review on the realities and mission of our local fraternities.
We are the twelve (12) brothers from four fraternities who came, as others were caught up with earlier set pastoral commitments. At St. John Vianney Clergy House within the seminary compound of Dumaguete City we found a home from August 26 – 30, 2019.
The noise at the nearby airport spoke of the myriads of realities that beset and attempt to deviate us from our focus in our life and mission as priests. Listening to the experiences and questions of the brothers and reflecting on the Letter from Cebu we felt the invitation to silence and be in touch with the Source of our vocation and mission, Jesus, the Risen Lord. An hour a day before the Blessed Sacrament , at the overnight vigil and during the Day in the Desert we have to embrace the many painful realities within our broken selves, in our hibernating local fraternities, in our wounded prebyterium and in our scared and scarrred society.
Hope is marked in our hearts! The cross over the heart: Jesus Caritas.
Blessed Brother Charles carried this fire as a brother to everyone He dared to walk along with those in the peripheries. Pope Francis both in his persona and pronouncements exudes this joy on the mercy and compassion of God to reconcile and bring healing to the young people, the families, those who lost homelands by war and violence and to our beloved paining earth, our common home.
We are called to retrace our journey back to Jerusalem, the place of Jesus passion and resurrection. And even to go further back to Galilee, the place of Jesus meeting and calling his disciples.
As brothers in the fraternity, the only way to move ahead is to review our attraction and initiation to Jesus Caritas. We have to outgrow from the travels and meetings that may have given the impressions of us being a secret, elite and pious group. At the Month of Nazareth we have attended and where we have made our final engagement to the fraternity, at our National and Continetal gatherings and at our local fraternity sharings are the many moments where we broke the bread of ourselves and were nourished.
Perhaps the open door of fraternal spirit that initially attracted and inspired us in our priestly ministry may have become now a narrow door that tests our endurance. Indeed the good soil needs plowing and weeding so as to welcome the seeds sown to put on deeper roots. Our local fraternity does not depend only on the charismatic personality of the responsible. Its strength also lies in each responsible members. This we have to strive and encourage one another to revive our common fidelity.
Towards the end of our gathering we have elected an interim National Responsible who will lead us towards our National Assembly in 2020. Fr. Vel Villasis from Iloilo accepted the call. He also chose his team in the persons of Fr. Ervy Lajara (Visayas), Fr. Anthony Jun Piguerra (Mindanao) and Fr. Larry Famarin (Luzon).
As we setforth back to our mission places, we are so grateful to the kind services of the religious sisters and the warm welcome and company of Dumaguete brothers. God bless us all!