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(Español) Tres años de la Pascua de Mariano PUGA
(Español) A tres años de la partida de Mariano PUGA. Roberto GUZMÁN
(Español) Mariano PUGA: testimonio a los tres años de su Pascua
(Italiano) Charles de Foucauld, fratello universales
Week of Nazareth. Chili. February 2023
On Friday and Saturday we began to arrive the organizing team: Donata, Fernando, Jaime and Paolo and the young participants: Ricardo, Patricio, Sebastián, Bryan, Arantza, Francisco, Isol, Javier and Cristóbal (these last two seminarians). Several did not know northern Chile. The Atacama Desert impressed them.
On Saturday afternoon we were all there and we started our week with an original presentation of each one. Prior to the Week, Paolo asked each of us to record a short presentation video. At the end of the screening of the videos, some questions were asked to complete the presentation. Thus began to weave our fraternity.
Paolo made a very good presentation of the theme of fraternity, using new technologies. Finally, two fraternities were formed for daily reflection and domestic services (cleaning, setting the table, washing dishes, etc.). . The names the young people chose are significant: “Sunwalkers” and “Little Brothers of Nazareth.”
We ended the day with a beautiful evening prayer.
Read the full document in PDF: WEEK OF NAZARETH FOR YOUNG PEOPLE – Chile – February 2023