Letter of Eric, 15 May 2023

(In celebration of the first anniversary of the canonization of Brother Charles de Foucauld)

He (Brother Charles) understood that God wanted him to be satisfied with clearing a path so that others could plant better. But he was thinking only in terms of announcing the Gospel to the people of the Sahara. He had no idea God was working through him to prepare a gift for the entire Church.” (Archbishop of Marseilles, France, preaching about Brother Charles leading to his canonization)

Dear Brothers,

Warm fraternal greetings to you all!!!

How is everything with you at the moment? What are significant experiences of joy, growth, transformation in your personal life, your friendships with brother-priests in your diocese, in your ministry to those in the peripheries? What are spaces of discouragement, stagnation and struggle? How are you coping? To whom do you go for support? Where are you being led by the Spirit in your resolve to be a joyful missionary of the Risen Christ? How are you growing in the discipline of daily adoration, review of life, desert day, gospel meditation, attending monthly meeting? How do these spiritual practices strengthen your commitment to a call within a call to be a universal brother, gentle presence, contemplative companion, prophetic preacher, missionary disciple of Jesus of Nazareth in the footsteps of Brother Charles?

I humbly pose these questions with you. Questions are like compass for the soul seeking the True and the Good amidst the complex, diverse, confusing paths of our world. I honestly struggle with you these questions. Precisely, in this tension, the grace of God works unconditionally to mellow our hearts. The key is to hold the question long enough until it strips us naked of all that is not true and not good in us. AA people have this to tell us – keep coming back to the practice. We are not “super” human beings who always live from our ideal. No, we are wounded, weak pastors who, very often live from our frailties and inadequacies yet we are so dearly loved and are called to love like the Master.

Brothers, I have the occasion to write to you as we celebrate the first anniversary of the canonization of Brother Charles. I was a witness to the joy and jubilation last year at St Peter’s Square in Rome. It was a Kairos moment not only for us but more so, for the universal church. When his name was announced at the beginning of the Eucharist, joyful cheers and loud claps of affirmation and gratitude to God were heard from the people. Now, the same euphoric joy is lived out in the chronos of concrete, little yet decisive acts of prophetic witness in the peripheries, inspired by the contemporary message of Brother Charles. The call of the synod on synodality invites us to participate in a universal journey as fellow pilgrims (not tourists), brothers and sisters all, walking side by side each other, collaborating, discerning and listening to one another where the Spirit is leading our world today.

In the course of our preparation last year, we from the International Team have asked with you – how has the canonization made an impact on you? Now, one year after, we ask with you something more specific – now that Brother Charles has been recognized as a gift to the church, what is ours to do to share this gift to others who are lost, lukewarm, curious, sympathizers but wanting to deepen their spirituality. Like the mandate of the apostles after the Resurrection to spread the news that He is alive, we have been called from being too inward-looking to be more out-going, to tread on unfamiliar territories, starting from simple personal encounter in the tomb of our losses, on the disappointing road of our Emmaus or in the breaking of bread with the poor and the marginalized. It was the Spirit of the Risen Christ that fired them up to be courageous, tireless, and joy-filled missionaries. How about us? What is our story? How have we been fired up in our mission to pass on the gift? How could we initiate personal encounters with brother priests of our diocese to brothers beyond our diocese or country? How do we do mission with the other branches of the Spiritual Family in the spirit of fraternal collaboration and co-responsibility for the gift?

In the Philippines, we have organized ourselves with the other members of the Spiritual Family and are committed to be fellow pilgrims, recognizing our unique gifts yet called to witness unity, social friendships, fraternal sharing, co-responsibility in the life-long journey of missionary discipleship and fidelity to the charism of Brother Charles.

How about you and your local fraternity, the national and continental fraternities? Where are you being led by the Spirit? What is yours to do? We could not just sit down and operate behind our little world without a concern for the bigger reality of God’s Kingdom here and now.

May the coming of the Spirit like tongues of fire set our hearts aflame as we take on the task of doing mission like our very own, Brother Charles. Though things were not always clear to him where to go and what to do, he never stopped in ambivalence and half-heartedness. Rather, his passion to imitate the love of God in Jesus of Nazareth so consumed him that he tirelessly wrestled with every human condition that separates us from God, from the poor and from one another. St Charles de Foucauld, pray for us!!

With much love and fire,

PDF: Letter of Eric, 15 May 2023 eng

Jacques GAILLOT. Testimony of Jean-François BERJONNEAU

Jacques GAILLOT sometimes said “If there was only one priest left in the diocese, I would appoint him prison chaplain. It was a priority for him.
It was there that he lived this evangelical preference for the lost sheep.
It was there that he put into practice this audacity of Christ which consists in leaving the 99 sheep of the fold to go in search of the one who has lost his way on hazardous paths.

And he accepted that I assume the ministry of vicar general while being prison chaplain so as not to lose the relationship with the excluded.
Similarly, he then chose Roland DOLLÉ as vicar general in connection with his ministry as chaplain of the psychiatric hospital.
For him prison was the place where the Church could be in direct contact with the cry of the excluded, the marginalized, the “battered by existence” as Abbé Pierre said.
And he let himself be touched by these cries.
And he never stopped showing them their dignity despite their heavy past
We have lived a beautiful partnership in this ministry which consists in being witnesses of hope to those who lack it so much and who sometimes think that they no longer have a future.
Of course, he came to celebrate Mass on major holidays with this intramural parish.
And we met in the morning before leaving for the Maison d’Arrêt in the garden of the bishopric to pick the flowers in the spring to decorate the room that served as our chapel.
But he also liked to participate in chaplaincy meetings, to listen to the suffering, the cries of revolt, the abysmal questions posed by these people awaiting trial.

And I remember that at certain times, he left the chaplaincy room explaining that he was not only there for the guys who frequented the chaplaincy but for the others too.
And he went with the key of the chaplaincy to meet the prisoners whatever their religion, their origin or the offense committed in their cells.
He lived there on short visits where he could exercise his extraordinary ability to put himself within reach of people, to understand them and to show them this friendship which gave them confidence and which allowed him to hear so many confidences.
And he wasn’t just being with it.
He also knew how to get wet and commit to contributing to the reintegration of guys coming out of prison.

He went so far as to open a few rooms on the second floor of the bishopric to accommodate men coming out of prison as part of the Pause café association.
It was not easy because one day he was called by a jeweler from Évreux to whom one of his hosts had tried to resell his pectoral cross which he had stolen from the bishopric.
He also carried this concern in partnership with associations such as Pause café, ,shelter, habitat, and humanism, the Catholic relief to contribute to this long journey of the obstacle represented by reintegration.

Finally, he never ceased to challenge all the Christian communities gathered in his diocese on their ability to open up to these distresses of the excluded and to implement concrete solidarity.
He said :
“Our Church lacks the poverty of risk.
What are our boldnesses now?

The Church is a servant when, in fact, she is on the side of immigrants, the unemployed, prisoners, the excluded, minorities…
Credibility obliges to be true in any situation.
When you do things, you can’t cheat.
If the Church does not serve, it is useless.”

Thank you, Jacques, for having served our diocesan Church by placing the poor at the heart of fraternal communion.
With you, we have understood that a Church can only be faithful to the Good News of Christ by being in close solidarity with all those whom the world neglects.

PDF: Jacques GAILLOT. Testimony of Jean-François BERJONNEAU en

Jacques GAILLOT, the contestation bishop

(Le Point, 13 april 2023)

Monsignor Jacques GAILLOT, a rebellious bishop who defended the cause of the divorced, homosexuals and immigrants within the Church, died in Paris, this Wednesday, April 12, at the age of 87, according to what we learned from the Conference of Bishops of France (CEF).

Jacques GAILLOT died after a rapid illness, a relative of the bishop said. “He died calm, serene, surrounded by his loved ones. The diocese of Évreux had recently indicated that Bishop GAILLOT was suffering from pancreatic cancer.

A difficult relationship with the Vatican

He had been Bishop of Évreux for thirteen years, from 1982 to 1995, before the Vatican removed him due to his unorthodox positions within the Church. The media coverage shocks and angers in high places, until the Vatican, “disoriented”, asks the bishops of France to clean their houses.

After his expulsion from the diocese of Évreux, he was named honorary bishop in partibu of Parténia, a Mauritanian diocese that disappeared in the 5th century. Bishop GAILLOT then made this “virtual” diocese an instrument of defense for the excluded (undocumented, homeless). , etc.).

In September 2015, he was received by Pope Francis for almost an hour, before whom he defended the cause of the divorced, homosexuals and immigrants. “Beyond certain positions that may have divided, we remember that he maintained, above all, his concern for the poorest and the peripheries,” declared the CEF.

Committed to the end of his life

Born on September 11, 1935 in Saint-Dizier, Haute-Marne, the son of wine merchants, he has a degree in theology and a diploma from the Institute of Liturgy, and was ordained a priest in March 1961, after having been mobilized for twenty-eight months In Argelia .

“Until recently, he continued to visit prisoners in prison, and he was still honorary president of Rights to the Front!, an association for the defense of the excluded and the homeless that he had created in particular with Jacques HIGELIN and Professor SCHWARTZENBERG. said someone close to the bishop.

(NS: Jacques GAILLOT was a member of the Iesus Caritas Priestly Fraternity)

PDF: Jacques GAILLOT, the contestation bishop eng