Message New Year 2025, Carlos Roberto

To the Brothers of the Fraternity in the Americas

As the year 2024 comes to a close, it is time to look at what we have experienced and how we have lived it, to correct what has not worked and to plan a better way of living, to be happy, to bear witness to our faith and to collaborate in the construction of a just and fraternal world.

Some questions to ask ourselves: Have we spent our lives making a new world happen, where the project of love, peace and justice that our beloved brother Jesus asks of us prevails? Have we collaborated faithfully in the organization, participation and dynamism of our fraternities, spread throughout the various countries of our beloved America? Have we been in solidarity with the presbyters who are in our local fraternity, and with the presbytery of which we are a part? Each one will make his own assessment.

📑 Read the full document in PDF: New Year’s Message 2025

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