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Category Archives: Vídeos
(Italiano) Charles de Foucauld, fratello universales
(Español) Carlos de FOUCAULD en Tierra Santa
(Français) Jusqu’au bout de lui même
(Français) Conférence de Carême : Charles de Foucauld, un itinéraire de conversion. Mgr Jean-Marc AVELINE
(Français) Michel LAFONT, cent ans de vie
Prayer of Abandonment
Father, I give myself into your hands
Do with me what you will
Whatever you may do, I thank you
I am ready for all,
I accept all you ask.
Let your will be done in me
I wish no more than this.
Father, I give myself into your hands
Do with me what you will
Whatever you may do, I thank you
Into your loving hands I commend all my life
Give to you with all my heart
I love you, only Lord,
Father, I give myself into your hands
Do with me what you will
Whatever you may do, I thank you
So I need to give my own self without reserve
Give with boundless confidence
For you are Oh God my all.
Father, I give myself into your hands
Do with me what you will
Whatever you may do, I thank you
Charles de Foucauld