God little and simple made man occupies a place important in our House and our heart.

With this video and song of Christmas, I wish you from my heart happy Christmas.

Its author, Kini FERRANDO, is a priest of the Diocese of Cartagena, Spain, parish priest of San Diego, Cartagena. Singer-songwriter and good Shepherd, a man delivered to the cause of the last.

Thank you, Kini, for this song that speaks of the hope, peace, love poured into the hearts of those who have a need to be loved.

With the joy of be able to contemplate in the place of them poor, in Bethlehem, in the bethlehem of our neighborhoods, towns, and cities, to God made flesh camping among us us offers also its poor and humble place, my desire for peace to all the brothers of the fraternity from all five continents.

Aurelio, brother responsible

Perín, Cartagena, Murcia, Spain, 23 December 2016


TONY PHILPOT, in the peace of the Lord

Monsignor Anthony John Philpot (always known as ‘Tony’) died on July 16th 2016 aged 81 at the Little Sisters of the Poor Convent, North London. The funeral tribute spoke of his gifts as a parish priest and the many additional responsibilities he had held in the dioceses of Northampton and East Anglia. His brother priests in Jesus Caritas have particular cause to give thanks for the contribution he made to the Fraternity.

Elected as International Responsible at the Assembly of Santo Domingo in 1982 he gained a deep understanding of the Fraternity. He saw clearly that no single region has a complete grasp of Br Charles’ charism but that each one emphasises a different aspect. Thus, no one has a monopoly but rather we all need one another to discover the unfolding richness of the gift God has given us in the life of this extraordinary man. Hence the need to come together, to communicate.

Tony was an amazing linguist who even in the last weeks of his life was seen studying Rumanian in an effort to converse in their own language with some of the workers in the convent. Not to display his own cleverness but as a way of meeting the other on their own ground and making them feel comfortable and valued. In this way he tried to be a ‘universal brother’.

Almost all of his priestly life Tony was a parish priest but he was also a wise and generous pastor for his fellow clergy. His writings on priesthood were widely read. For five years he was spiritual director to seminarians in Rome. He was greatly in demand as a retreat giver and to us in the English Fraternity he never said ‘no’. It was only his final illness that prevented him from leading our latest Month of Nazareth. The booklets he wrote on the Fraternity still retain their freshness thirty years later.

A fitting legacy to us in Jesus Caritas can be found in the final words of Tony’s report as retiring general responsible where he urges each member to use the means that the Fraternity gives us (adoration, review of life, gospel sharing, desert, month of Nazareth…) “In using all these means and remaining faithful, we are the Jesus Caritas Fraternity of Priests, a precious resource for the universal Church.”

PDF: tony-philpot-in-the-peace-of-the-lord

Tony PHILPOT, our dear brother

tonyphilpott377Former Diocese of East Anglia Vicar General and Spiritual Director at the Venerable English College in Rome, Mgr Tony Philpot, has died at the age of 81. Mgr Tony Rogers pays tribute.

Anthony (always known as Tony) John Philpot was born on March 24, 1935 in Croydon, the eldest child of William and Josephine. When war broke out his father’s office was moved to Bedford, and he subsequently went to Bedford School, alma mater of John Bunyan.

In 1953 Tony began his studies for the priesthood at the Venerable English College in Rome, and was ordained in 1959 at the Basilica of St John Lateran, completing his Licentiate in Theology the next year, and returning to the Diocese of Northampton to serve as assistant priest, first at St Joseph’s, Bedford and then at Northampton Cathedral.

His first pastoral charge was in Leighton Buzzard, and, thereafter all his parish appointments were in what later became the Diocese of East Anglia. He took over the parish of St Mark’s in Ipswich, when the Franciscans left, and was later moved to Newmarket, following a short spell working with the Society of St James in South America.

In 1980, Bishop Alan Clark asked him to move to Our Lady and the English Martyrs in Cambridge, where he remained for 14 years. His time there, where his gifts as a talented preacher and a gentle pastor were much appreciated, was one of change. Though the liturgical wars which had dogged his predecessor, Canon Paul Taylor, were over, Tony was involved in major reorganisation of Catholic state secondary education in Cambridge, as well as a major and much needed refurbishment of the rectory.

When the Diocese of East Anglia was established in 1976, Bishop Alan Clark asked him to take charge of religious education, and later appointed him as one of his vicars general. The 1980s was a time when mutual support for the priests of the diocese was given high priority and Tony was given responsibility to head up the Ministry to Priests programme.

He had also become involved in the Jesus Caritas Fraternity, inspired by the spirituality of Charles de Foucauld, for which he eventually became the worldwide responsable. This took him out of the country for a considerable time each year, and as a seasoned traveller to all corners of the globe, he soon learnt the perils of delayed and lost luggage. So, in keeping with his own simple lifestyle, it was his proud boast that he could be away for three weeks at a time, just taking hand luggage with him and washing and drying his clothes on a daily basis.

He was also elected to the Old Brotherhood of the English Secular clergy, a body which had, in penal times, been responsible for the governance of the Catholic Church in England and Wales until the appointment of Vicars Apostolic, and which has continued as a  fraternity of 24 priests ever since.

Following his time in Cambridge, Tony took the unusual step of returning to St Mark’s in Ipswich, where he had been parish priest some years before, and after a relatively short time there, he was asked to take over the running of Palazzola, the country villa of the English College in Rome, on the edge of Lake Albano.

He was increasingly in demand as a retreat giver, and there can be few dioceses in England and Wales that did not benefit from his accessible wisdom and deeply-rooted personal spirituality. His way with words was put to good use in an excellent booklet on the sacrament of reconciliation, called ‘Clearing the Site’ and two books – ‘Priesthood in Reality – living the reality of the diocesan priest in a changing world.’ and ‘You Shall be Holy – spiritual basics.’

Perhaps, unsurprisingly, he was asked to move from Palazzola, to become Spiritual Director at the Venerable English College, a post which he held for about five years.

Retirement from the College took him to Peterborough, where his phenomenal gifts as a linguist were put to good use in ministering to the large Portuguese community in the city, whose language he had made it his business to learn before leaving Rome.

But even his retirement was interrupted, when he was asked to return to Rome and help out at the Beda College for a year. Contact with seminarians in formation, and priests in active ministry in his own diocese and beyond meant that there can be few who wouldn’t at least have recognised his name, even if they had no personal encounter with him.

After some years in Peterborough he took the bold decision to move to London when an independent flat became available at St Anne’s home in Stoke Newington. Living in London meant he was much nearer to his sisters Margaret and Cathie.

Cancer eventually took over and he was transferred to the nursing home section of St Anne’s. Tony struggled bravely, and died on July 16. May he rest in peace and rise in glory!

PDF: tony-phipot-our-dear-brother

Our brother Abraham APOLINARIO, vicar general of Santo Domingo

Abraham Apolinario

Abraham Apolinario

The Archbishop of Santo Domingo, the diocese more ancient of America, in the Dominican Republic, Francisco OZORIA, of our fraternity, has appointed our brother Abraham APOLINARIO vicar general.

For all it’s a good new, and we wish for him all success in his work and God’s help.

A hug from all brothers in the World!

santodomingo-republicadominicanaiesuscaritas-heartPDF: abraham-apolinario-vicar-general-de-sd-en

Gerry REYNOLDS, Ireland, in the peace of the Lord (communication of Liam Ó Cuív)

iesus-heartSt. Mary of the Servants
Dublin 15
01-8210874 / 086-2342170

30th November, 2015

Dear Brothers,

It is with great sadness that I inform you of the passing of Fr. Gerry Reynolds, C.SS.R this morning, the eve of Charles de Foucauld’s anniversary. Gerry was a member of the very first fraternity in Ireland, and has shared his account of the beginning of the Fraternity here 41 years ago.

Fr. Gerry’s Body will be received at Clonard Monastery tonight, Monday 30th November at 7.00pm.

He will be waked in Monastery Parlour, Tuesday 9am – 10pm

Removal to Church for an ecumenical service on Wednesday 2nd December at 7.30pm
Funeral Mass Thursday 3rd December at 12.00pm followed by burial in the Redemptorist plot, Milltown cemetery.

Ar dheis lámh Dé go raibh a anam dílis

We will especially remember Fr. Gerry at the Fraternity post-Christmas gathering at Mount St. Joseph’s Roscrea which will commence at supper-time on Sunday 27th December and will continue until lunch on Wednesday 30th December. As ever please text me on 086-234.2170 or e-mail me at Using these options rather than voice mail leaves me with a written record of your booking.

Wishing you peace and blessings this advent.

Liam Ó Cuív