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Category Archives: News
(Français) Nouvelles de la Famille Spirituelle, octobre 2024
Fernando Enrique RAMÓN CASAS, new bishop
Today, November 6, 2024, Pope Francis has appointed our brother Fernando Enrique as auxiliary bishop of Valencia. Great joy for everyone in the midst of pain and tragedy in that land marked by the DANA disaster. It is good news despite the suffering of so many people that has motivated the solidarity of the entire country.
Fernando is 58 years old. Rector of the Major Seminary of Valencia for 13 years and two more as a trainer, since last September, he is the episcopal vicar of the V Vicariate of Valencia, ‘Llíria-Requena-Ademuz’. In addition, he is a professor of Sacred Scripture at the San Vicente Ferrer Faculty of Theology, and director of the Academy of Biblical and Oriental Languages. Before that, he was at the Pontifical John Paul II Institute, and a canon of the Cathedral. He was born in Valencia, although he has always lived in the town of Xirivella (in the Huerta Sur region, in the metropolitan area of Valencia city). He entered the La Inmaculada Major Seminary in 1988, where he developed all his training: two years of philosophy in Moncada and Theology and Pastoral in Valencia.
He has a degree in Religious Sciences from the San Vicente Ferrer Faculty of Theology in Valencia and completed his studies in Rome, where he graduated in Sacred Scripture from the Pontifical Biblical Institute and took doctoral courses at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome (1998-2005). Before that, he was a religion teacher in various schools and parish priest in various towns in Valencia and Alicante. He has 30 years of priestly ministry. During those years he was also chaplain of the Monastery of the Oblate Sisters of Christ the Priest. And he has been a counselor of the Cursillos de Cristiandad movement in Valencia and an animator of a Team of Our Lady.
Fernando, congratulations and may you always have the smell of sheep and be at the side of the last. Your fraternity of Spain we wish you to be a good shepherd.
Joseph SUSAINATHAN, of the Indian fraternity, new bishop
Eric`s message to the Chad fraternity
(Italiano) Diario Italiano, 132
(Español) Noticias de Haití
Luc TERLINDEN, Brussels fraternity, archbishop Brussel-Malines
Luc Terlinden, the current Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Mechelen-Brussels, was presented this afternoon as the new archbishop.
For the first time in almost a century (since Cardinal Van Roey in 1926), a priest who is not yet a bishop is named archbishop. Therefore, Luc Terlinden from Brussels is not yet very well known to the general public. For the last two years, as Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Mechelen-Brussels, he has been the right hand of the current Archbishop, Jozef De Kesel.
Terlinden is the tenth archbishop since the creation of independent Belgium. With Terlinden’s appointment, the Holy See is already following the principle of alternately naming a Flemish and French speaker.
Terlinden is 54 years old. That seems young, but that is completely in line with the age of his predecessors – Danneels was 46 years old – and of the archbishops who are named in other parts of the world.
Youth Ministry
Terlinden only made the move to the seminary after his studies in economics and after some work experience in education.
She then followed a specialization in moral theology in Rome. For her doctoral thesis, she studied the writings of spiritual teachers such as Charles Taylor and John Henry Newman. He gained pastoral experience in parishes and youth ministry, which left him with a lasting commitment to the Brussels Marolles and to young people (in student ministry in Louvain-La-Neuve and as co-founder of Pôle Jeunes XL in Ixelles). In 2017, he became president of the French-speaking diocesan seminary and a member of the bishop’s council. In 2021 Terlinden became Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Mechelen-Brussels. It’s a steep climb for someone who leads a very simple life as a member of the priestly fraternity of Charles de Foucauld, a French priest who came to live among the Tuareg in Algeria at the turn of the 20th century.
Kesel’s right hand
As Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Mechelen-Brussels, Terlinden became Cardinal Jozef De Kesel’s right-hand man and a central figure in the Archdiocese. Since then he has lived with his dachshund Oscar in Mechelen. People who know him well call him a bright, collegiate and hard-working man, who has a brotherly attitude and can also stop once in a while to enjoy life.
In an interview on Kerk & Leven (April 7, 2021), Terlinden said that the World Youth Days in Rome in the year 2000 were a profound experience for him, like a military pilgrimage to Lourdes during his military service. He was raised in the faith and considered becoming a priest at a young age, but the obligation of celibacy made him hesitate.
Synod on synodality
As archbishop, Terlinden wants to focus on synodality. Cardinal De Kesel played an important role in the continental synod through his input on how to deal with modern and secularized society and as a bridge figure. We can assume that his successor will also take charge of that torch.
He said of celibacy at Church & Life in 2021: ‘We are also learning more and more that priesthood and celibacy are not necessarily the same thing. I believe in the great value of celibacy, but we often forget that the vocation to celibacy is an exception. The media focuses a lot on the celibate priesthood, but our Church has several vocations within it. Now it’s about going together on the road.”
In September, Luc Terlinden awaits episcopal consecration first, to assume his functions as archbishop on September 3, 2023.
PDF: Luc TERLINDEN, Brussels fraternity, archbishop Brussel-Malines eng
Jacques GAILLOT, the contestation bishop
(Le Point, 13 april 2023)
Monsignor Jacques GAILLOT, a rebellious bishop who defended the cause of the divorced, homosexuals and immigrants within the Church, died in Paris, this Wednesday, April 12, at the age of 87, according to what we learned from the Conference of Bishops of France (CEF).
Jacques GAILLOT died after a rapid illness, a relative of the bishop said. “He died calm, serene, surrounded by his loved ones. The diocese of Évreux had recently indicated that Bishop GAILLOT was suffering from pancreatic cancer.
A difficult relationship with the Vatican
He had been Bishop of Évreux for thirteen years, from 1982 to 1995, before the Vatican removed him due to his unorthodox positions within the Church. The media coverage shocks and angers in high places, until the Vatican, “disoriented”, asks the bishops of France to clean their houses.
After his expulsion from the diocese of Évreux, he was named honorary bishop in partibu of Parténia, a Mauritanian diocese that disappeared in the 5th century. Bishop GAILLOT then made this “virtual” diocese an instrument of defense for the excluded (undocumented, homeless). , etc.).
In September 2015, he was received by Pope Francis for almost an hour, before whom he defended the cause of the divorced, homosexuals and immigrants. “Beyond certain positions that may have divided, we remember that he maintained, above all, his concern for the poorest and the peripheries,” declared the CEF.
Committed to the end of his life
Born on September 11, 1935 in Saint-Dizier, Haute-Marne, the son of wine merchants, he has a degree in theology and a diploma from the Institute of Liturgy, and was ordained a priest in March 1961, after having been mobilized for twenty-eight months In Argelia .
“Until recently, he continued to visit prisoners in prison, and he was still honorary president of Rights to the Front!, an association for the defense of the excluded and the homeless that he had created in particular with Jacques HIGELIN and Professor SCHWARTZENBERG. said someone close to the bishop.
(NS: Jacques GAILLOT was a member of the Iesus Caritas Priestly Fraternity)