Immense Invasion of Refugees. My Standpoint

What has to change?

The never-ending invasion of refugees is provoking challenges to Europe. It is estimated that 800 000 people, declared the German Homeminister, will take refuge in Germany this year. This is a challenge, admits Angela Merkel, which is more difficult to deal with than the Euro or Greek crisis. We all, observes Pope Francis, live in “a common house”, which is near to collapse.

What has caused that sudden invasion and migration of millions of people? What’s wrong? What needs to change? It is manifest that we in Germany and all Europeans are being challenged as national communities and as a continent. Politicians feel helpless not able to offer a solution of the turbulence. State Bureaucracies are  overburdened and the great number of volunteers are reaching limits in dealing properly with the incoming refugees. Particularly alarming is that there are frequently fire attacks on refugee homes. Pick-up fights are accumulating. Social peace in our country is at stake and we have neither answer or remedy to the plight of the greatly suffering refugees seeking shelter country.

The causes of mass flight are very different: War, terror and persecution on the one side – poverty, corruption and unemployment on the other side. To many refugees we are bound to grant asylum: our Constitution and our Mitmenschlichkeit (fellow beings solidarity) require to commit ourselves to the refugees in their distastrous calamities. Armutsflüchtlinge (poverty refugees), mainly from the Balkans are not counted as asylum seekers, there is no law to assist them legally. But their sufferings and human needs are also enormous.

One thing is certain: as long as in the Middle East – in Syria with more than 250 000 war victims, in Iraq, in Libya, violence, killings and war are continuing…, as long as in Africa people and nations are suffering under state terror, anarchy and oppression –  as long asin East-Europe people do not find work and food due to , corruption and state mismanagement…, so long there will be hundreds of thousands of people fleeing to Europe, especially to Germany to rescue their lives and to seek refuge.

Ursachenbekämpfung (cause combat) are required – and it is truly required. But state and private development and economic aid for poor countries, although necessary, have usually impact only after many years – or not at all, when millions of dollars or euros are disappearing in the pockets of the ruling class. Peace initiatives are even more urgent as well as conflict mediation, if only the United Nations or other institutions would have the required authority and functioning structures. Probably – sad enough –  a lot of blood will flow, until from the tragic Middle East power struggle aiming at access to econoic ressources peaceful solutions will emerge. In the meantime, terrorists in gisguise of religion and fanatic extremists are continuing to commit satanic atrocities. It is worrying that at the beginning of the Afghanistan and Iraq war there were about a hundred terrorists, while today, hundreds of thousands of terrorists are threatening international peace by destroying uncountable lives. Greed and claim to powers of Western states mingled with the fatal arch-enmity between Shia and Sunni Muslims have nationally and internationally led to the tragedy from which countless people try to escape at any cost. Ursachenbekämpfung (cause combat) is called for, but it is easy to claim for it it by words….

Needs for us in Germany are the updating of the German asylum law, the fast provision of an immigration law mainly for Europaeans and to pass an almost utopian agreement towards an European asylum law. The despair of the refugees, social peace in European countries and the realisation ot the European vision of human dignity and freedom, justice and peace are enormous challenges of the present.

A lot has to change. But peacemaking and combating poverty require much, too much time. Statesmen and women, economic enterpreneurs and civic individuals with a lot of courage, common sense and creativity are required. The longings of people to leave in peace, justice and freedom are ineffaceable and unending.  But as long as weapons are not put buried, as long as economic exploitation and oppression are continuing and as long as people are threatened and arbitrarily killed or do not find food or work…, so long millions will flee and escape their killers and oppressors.

Germany so far has accepted in Europe next to Sweden and Austria most of the refugees. The dreamland of many people  is Germany. We have not deserved such a high regard. Refugees hope – utopia or not – to receive some of the advantages and achievements of the German postwar society such as prosperity, social and legal security, freedom, human rights and social justice, functioning (with little corruption) economic and political system.

The public discussion in Germany is in the meantime emotionally charged. People and parties are more and more polarized. Black-white labelling of people is frequent: everything or nothing, for or against refugees. Carefully discerning and properly arguing discussions  are rare. The human dignity of all is the subject  – and this one does not fall under the reservation “unless, of course, there are too many”. Xenophobic actions are still 1 against 10 refugee solidarity activities. After the recent “politbarometer”  the majority of Germans believe to be able to  “handle the invasion of refugees”. Sometimes we are reminded that 12 million refugees were included into Germany after the Second World War…

What has to change nowadays? What can not go on as it was going on? We cannot satisfy ourselves instead of learning and re-thinking our attidue towards live and our living standards, our global responsibilities, our intercultural and interreligious relations so as to live together peacefully with anyone, with the own people and with people of different ethnicities, cultures and religions. It is about to live together in a changed context and envirmonment. We need all in all to deepen and reconfirm our ethical, cultural and spiritual values as base for our live-together. In relationg to the refugees it is urgent that volunteers and civic groups and non-government organisations are being heard by power centered politicians and overformalized bureaucracies. I did appeal to the regional government to reply to five years pending asylum applications of pending of Afghan and Iranian refugees; I have protested against the deportation of a seriously sick youngster from Kosovo. Whenever we fail to challenge inhumanely acting administrations we try again and again. If everything fails hope will prevail.

What can you do? Each one can contribute to the public debate with fair and reflected arguments to shun black-white labels and friend-enemy patterns. Racist slogans and xenophobic emotions can be rejected with peaceful means. The Churches in our country should not get tired, to challenge themselves and their communities to be open to refugees by creative means and to grow into solidarity with them. In religious ceremonies and social activites refugees should be included giving them priority. With the invasion of refugees our faith, our culture, our humanity are at stake.

Klaus Beurle, Germany

Emmanuel ASI, Pakistan, Report Fr. Thomaiar 2015

Hope to see you in Heaven !

(A Tribute to my brother Priest of Jesus Caritas)

Sudden and shocking breaking news was received that Fr. Thomaiar Susai (India) slept in the Lord on Friday 25 July in the hospital in Yangon, Myanmar. He was later taken to Bangalore and buried at Sacred Heart Priests Cemetery on 29 July.

Fr. Thomaiar was one of the 26 Priests from Jesus Caritas Fraternity of Priests who had come together from 6 countries to go through a deep experience of spirituality of Little Bro. Charles (1858-1916) by exercising Month of Nazareth (July 1-23, 2015) in Myanmar. During the last week there was one week Retreat. On the last day of Retreat he had a stroke on 21 July. He was admitted in a hospital nearby city in Mandalay. Later he was shifted in Yangon for better treatment. He was taken good care of by brother Priests. Finally after having received Sacrament of the anointing of Sick by H.E. Archbishop Most Rev. Charles Bo he breathed his last.

First time I met Fr. Thoamiar was in June 1992 during the Month of Nazareth at Baguio City (Philippines) organized by Jesus Caritas Fraternity of Priests in Asia. We took active part in all exercises and seeking the deep treasures of Spirituality of Nazareth. We prayed , praised and played together, did manual work went for exposure. We grow into brotherhood. . He always enjoyed and commented on my sharing and reflections. We always admired , supported and strengthen each other.

This experience was indeed my initiation into the life and Spirituality of L. Bro. Charles and way of life of JC Fraternity of Priests. And he was the first Indian Priest I met belonging to JC Fraternity of Priests. In fact he was Responsible for India.

My brotherhood with Thomaiar in Jesus Caritas Fraternity of Priests has been framed between two Months of Nazareth. And now our last meeting was also in the Month of Nazareth in July 2015 in Myanmar. We spent time together recalling our memories of JC General Assembly 1994 at Cebu City, Philippines. We remembered our senior brothers and friends some of whom have passed from this world and gone to the Lord. And we prayed for them

During this Month of Nazareth we celebrated his Birthday on 11 July 2015. He completed his 64 years of his life. We sang and swished him many happy returns of the day !! He was also main celebrant for Holy Mass on Feast of St. Thomas, his name’s Saint. Few weeks before he came to Myanmar for the Month of Nazareth he celebrated his 37 years of priestly ministry on 5th. June. He has pastorally served in 10 Parishes. He was recently ministry as Parish Priest of Holy Family Church in Ramamurthy Nagar in the Diocese of Bangalore, India. Who knew that after these celebrations and going to Myanmar his Parishners will no longer see their Parish Priest celebrating his priesthood among them.

Thomaiar was a simple person. He lived a simple life style. He was man of few words. He was an active and reflective listener. A deep silence on his face could be observed most of the time.
A day before the first Desert Day he gave some reflections on the spiritual dimension of Desert and prepared us to go through this important spiritual exercise. We reflected on the value of silence and solitude and prayed the prayer of Abandonment. And it was in this spirit of Prayer of abandonment that he must have quietly surrendered his life to the Lord.

His death during Month of Nazareth and at the end of one Week retreat was proved to be an intensive spiritual preparation for Christian and priestly death. After having reflected deeply on the spirit of listening to God in silence and solitude he entered into his communion with the Lord. Yes indeed Our souls are restless until they find rest in you O God.

He spent the last days his life in Myanmar among his brother Priests. My heartfelt thanks go to our brother priests of Myanmar and Archbishop and Cardinal of the Archdiocese of Yangoon. During his last days before his death He was taken good care of both bodily and spiritually.

My condolence for the family of Fr. Thomaiar. I express our solidarity with Most Rev. Dr. Bernard Moras, Archbishop of Bangalore, Religious and Clergy of the Archdiocese of Bangalore and with the Priests of JC Fraternity in India and also the participants of Month of Nazareth in Myanmar.

Priests and Pascal mystery are closely connected. Priest who celebrates mystery of Christ’s Passover in the Eucharist ought to live daily and finally in his death the same mystery of Eucharist. He celebrates the mystery of the Passover of the Body of Christ and he has to reinact the same in his own body, daily and especially in his death.

I had to leave Month of Nazareth half way and had to come back. When we were bidding farewell to each other Fr. Thomaiar, with a smile and shine on his face he invited me to come to India. And I promised him that I will see him in Bangalore. I had no opportunity to bid you farewell from this earthly journey dear Thomaiar. I promise you that you will always be remembered. Through our prayers for each other we will bring heaven and earth closer. And I hope to meet you in heaven. There we will celebrate mystery of the Resurrection and Eucharist in its fullest sense.

Fr. Emmanuel Asi

OBITUARY – Thomaiar, Myanmar 2015, Arthur CHARLES, Asian responsible


thomaiarFrom Myanmar to the Father’s House

Fr. Thomaiar Susai
Born:  11.07.1951
Ordained:  05.06.1978
Expired:  24.07.2015
Christian Funeral: 29.07.2015

It was indeed very hard to understand and accept what has happened to our Brother. At that moment the Prayer of Abandonment became very personal and real which we were reciting together number of times in a day.

We look back with gratitude, as we remember the passing away to eternal life of our beloved Jesus Cartitas Fraternity member Fr. Thomaiar Susai who died on Friday, July 24, 2015 at 8:43 pm in Yangon, Myanmar while the Asian Month of Nazareth 2015 was reaching its conclusion.

Fr. Thomaiar was a committed member of Jesus Caritas Fraternity of Priests and showed special zeal and enthusiasm for such spirituality. According to his priest friends who were also part of the Asian Month of Nazareth in Myanmar, he did not have any major health problem, except that he had some heart related health issues a few years back.

In a way, he was well prepared to meet his Creator. His Feast Day – St. Thomas the Apostle and his Birthday were celebrated with great delight. He was the Main Celebrant for both the occasions. He took part in all the spiritual activities of the Month of Nazareth like: Adoration, Gospel Sharing, Celebration of the Holy Mass, Desert Days, Dish washing and other community exercises.

Through the tireless efforts of the Hierarchy and Fraternity members of Myanmar, the mortal remains of Fr. Thomaiar were sent to India from Myanmar on July 28, 2015. They were taken straight from the Airport to the Holy Family Church – Ramamurthy Nagar, where he was the Parish Priest.

On July 29, a Requiem Mass was offered in that Church. After the Mass, the Coffin was shifted to Sacred Heart Church – Richmond Road and was kept for the public to pay their last respects. The Funeral Service was conducted at Sacred Heart Church – Richmond Road, followed by the burial at Sacred Heart Priests Cemetery.

Fr. Thomaiar was born on July 11, 1951 at Muthuvijayapuram, Ramanathapuram Dist., Tamil Nadu. Out of 6 children (4 boys and 2 girls), Fr. Thomaiar was the fifth child. His parents and eldest brother have already gone to their eternal reward.

After his high school studies in his home town, he joined the Archdiocese of Bangalore to have his priestly formation at St. Mary’s Minor Seminary and at St. Peter’s Pontifical Seminary, Bangalore. He was ordained a priest on June 5,1978 at Ascension Church, Bangalore, by the late Archbishop Packiam Arokiaswamy.

He served the Archdiocese Bangalore for 37 years and ministered in 10 parishes of the Archdiocese.

Let us continue to pray for the repose of his soul in gratitude to God for all the services that he has rendered to the Fraternity and to the people of God in his Archdiocese.

On behalf of all the Asian and International Fraternity Members, I express my heartfelt sympathies to the Archbishop and Fraternity of priests of the Archdiocese of Bangalore, to the brothers and sisters, relatives and friends of Fr. Thomaiar. May the Lord grant them the strength and courage to bear this irreparable loss.

REQUIEM aeternam dona ei, Domine,
et lux perpetua luceat ei.
Requiescat in pace.

Fr. Arthur Charles
Asian Responsible

Letter Easter 2015, brother responsible

carlos-1916-2016Dear Brothers,

in the midst of this time of Easter, with the joy of the Risen Jesus, and without leaving aside concern for those suffering in so many parts of our world, near and far from us, carta-pascua-2015-1perhaps right beside us – immigrants, persecuted Christians, those displaced by wars, people treated like animals, child soldiers – people like ourselves living in a different country, or in a social, family or work environment with their Human Rights reduced to pure theory, for reasons we are all aware of, the message of Easter puts us in our place and opens our eyes. That young man dressed in white who in the tomb prepared for Jesus tells the women that Jesus is risen, not to come and embalm him but to go and proclaim that he is alive, that young man is each one of us, and it is our responsibility to tell by our lives as brothers that Jesus is alive, and no stone – greed, envy, hatred, fundamentalism – can hide it and that it is not necessary to continue embalming him with religious formulae that have nothing to do with the Gospel, reduced to an image that is worshipped but not loved. Jesus Christ, Son of the Father, our Brother, God on Earth, strengthens us today with carta-pascua-2015-2his light and sends us out to be priests, servants of the people, of the least of people, especially of the poor, not as religious professionals – Lords of the temple or masters of a religious court – (resort, condo, golf club – in each country it will have a different style –), who take refuge in ceremonies – and remain comfortable in their power structures and forms. Francis our Pope begins his Bull Misericordia Vultus saying that Jesus Christ is the face of the Father’s mercy, and further on, that we are called to live mercy because we first of all have been given mercy. This Holy Year announced by Francis is great news this Easter and calls us to be merciful. However, how difficult and complicated it is to be merciful to those who do not practise it, and that is where we face a challenge in our lives.

carta-pascua-2015-3It would be good to begin the Holy Year of Mercy in our fraternities doing a Review of Life suggested by each country’s situation and by the overall context of our world. Later we will be able to offer some ideas.

In Easter week we took part in the Assembly of the Charles de FOUCAULD Family in Castelfranco, Italy, with the delegates and responsibles of the Fraternities working in a fraternal atmosphere which the Disciples of the Gospel afforded us at their central fraternity, making us feel very much at home, accompanied in a simple manner by these young Sisters who are a pure joy. Thanks to them and to the team made up of Marianne, Anne Marie, Antonella and Josep, we worked on the theme ‘Charles de FOUCAULD, Man of Prayer, Worker, the Challenges for our Fraternities’, sharing our experiences. We shared the responses to the Preparatory Questionnaire. You can see the summary of our Priestly Fraternity response on the web-site It is important to highlight all we did about the Centenary of Brother Charles, gathering the initiatives of the different Fraternities and countries. It is very clear that we want to celebrate the Centennial with the simplicity of people of the Gospel and in the style of Nazareth, without any triumphalism.

carta-pascua-2015-4Our next meeting will be in Aachen, Germany in Easter Week 2017. The new Preparatory Group is made up of Marianne, (Secretary), Armelle (Little Sister of the Gospel), Antonella (Disciple of the Gospel) and Claudio (Lay Fraternity).

It was a great joy for me to meet up in Castelfranco once more with Secondo MARTIN, the Italian Responsible, in the open carta-pascua-2015-5session, and with Giannantonio ALLEGRI, whom I met for the first time. His testimony and peace extravaganza helped me also to feel freed from abductions, attachments and dependencies, and called to forgive again and again those who might harm me. This brother gifts us with his Nazareth of life, heart and open hands to show the mercy of God in situations difficult to imagine. His abductors and his liberation live together in his heart.

carta-pascua-2015-6Other good news this Easter is the proximate beatification of Óscar Arnulfo ROMERO –Saint Romero of America –. His blood shed for the name of Jesus is another call to the universal Church to cherish the generous dedication of men and women who, like Archbishop ROMERO, have given all for their people. This pastor teaches us to be pastors like Jesus, without fleeing from the danger associated with commitment to the poorest. He did not fear the danger and, like Jesus, he sided with others without regard for the consequences. Congratulations especially to our Latin-American fraternities.

Our Brother Charles gives us, witnessing these weeks to changes in the world, to unresolved conflicts, and to new forms of slavery, the possibility from Nazareth to better understand those whose lives become problematic when they lose everything, due to accident, attack, natural catastrophe, war, extreme poverty or illness. How can we understand these suffering people? How do we understand God? Is it a head or a heart problem? How did Brother Charles fit together all he experienced, and how, Gospel in hand, are we called to share and help? For many life has lost its meaning; hope and mercy are the bread we must break daily and this is an exercise of conversion of our hearts, of faith and a contemplative space that puts us on the Cross of Jesus and in the tomb too, to announce fearlessly and joyfully that he is alive, with the stone rolled aside and the door wide open. Sharing pain and joy is a sign of incarnation.

carta-pascua-2015-7In July we will celebrate the Asian Month of Nazareth in Myanmar, and in November in Marsanne, France. Also in July the Viviers meeting for priests in relation to Islam. These events are mentioned on our web-site and we on the International Team urge you to take part, or to pray for the brothers, putting these meetings of the Fraternity in the Lord’s hands, as an act of universal brotherhood. We must not stay only in our little fraternity groups of our local or national Fraternities: there are many other brothers of other languages or races who live the charism of Charles de FOUCAULD as diocesan priests. When we share all this, not like a brand label, or like a spiritual group, we are living universal brotherhood and we draw closer to the model of Jesus, to that of a Samaritan Church, which gets down from its high horse and attends to whoever is in need, without turning back or looking away.

To conclude, thanks for letting me know of any Fraternities events (retreats, Months of Nazareth, meetings…) to announce on the CALENDAR of the web-site. Many thanks to one and all.

With Easter joy, which spreads like the water we sprinkle on brothers and sisters in celebrations in our churches, my sincere and fraternal embrace proclaiming the resurrected Jesus.

carta-pascua-2015-8Aurelio SANZ BAEZA, brother responsible

Perín, Cartagena, Murcia, Spain, 23 April 2015
(Thank you, Liam, for the translation to English)

PDF: letter-easter-2015-brother-responsible

Letter of Jean-François and Aurelio, march 27th 2015

Dear Brothers,

from the 21st to the 27th of March we met in Perín, at Aurelio’s home, to reflect and work on the life of the fraternities. By means of this letter we wish to be united with you, our brothers spread throughout the world, in Africa, in North and South America, Central America and the Caribbean in Asia, Australasia and Europe.

20150327-01We believe that an important fact in the life of the Christian communities, that we accompany as priests today, is the teaching of Pope Francis, and the perspectives for the renewal of the life of the Church which he has set out in his apostolic exhortation Evangelii Gaudium

We are delighted with the convergence between the main themes developed by Pope Francis and some fundamental aspects of the spiritual message of Brother Charles:

  • The joy that comes from our meeting Jesus
  • The urge to mission, which involves friendship and familiarity with the people entrusted to us (with reference to “the smell of the sheep”).
  • The desire for a Church capable of “going out to the periphery”
  • The proposal of “a Church with and for the poor”.
  • The importance of mercy for all those hurt by life…

Thanks to all our brothers who highlight this convergence in their writings and utterances on the occasion of meetings and retreats. This helps us progress and reiterates the validity our priestly fraternity has at the heart of the life and mission of the Church.

During our week joined in friendship and sharing together in prayer, we addressed various themes which are related, in one way or another, to the “universal brotherhood” desired by Brother Charles:

1) The recognition of the Priestly Fraternity Iesus Caritas by the Congregation for Clergy. This is not just some formal procedure in order to ‘comply’ with them. It is a case, above all, of investing our priestly ministry with the special character that marks the spirituality of brother Charles (the spirituality of Nazareth, the missionary dimension characterised by an apostleship of goodness, the preferential option for the poor, and our willingness to share responsibility with laity…) within the dynamic of the universal Church.

20150327-02Following a short meeting Aurelio, accompanied by Secondo Martin (Italy) and Honoré (Burkina Faso), had with Cardinal STELLA, the new Prefect of the Congregatio pro Clericis, in Rome, last December we proceeded to send on all the documentation requested with our request. We await recognition.

2) We also worked on the project for the intercontinental meeting of the Americas (North, Central and South with the Caribbean) in Mexico in February 2016.

Our thanks to the fraternities of Mexico who will host this important meeting and provide food and accommodation.

Thanks also to Mauricio da SILVA JARDIM from Porto Alegre and to Mark MERTES from Kansas City for their active involvement in the preparation.

3) In the context of a situation marked by the tensions between part of the Muslim world and the West, we see the importance of the Viviers meeting next June 13 – 19, on the theme “Diocesan Priests, at the service of the meeting of Christians and Muslims in the light of the message of Charles de FOUCAULD”.

This meeting will help us have a better understanding of priestly ministry in its responsibility to promote and develop within Christian communities a movement of encounter and dialogue with Muslims.

Priests of the European fraternities will meet with priests who minister in the Maghreb or in the Sahel. This exchange of experiences could be valuable in helping us to adapt to one another in our concern to serve “universal brotherhood”.

(See the invitation to the meeting on the international Fraternity website:

4) Universal brotherhood includes economic solidarity between all fraternities.

In order to organise the Month of Nazareth or meetings, and the travel involved, the international fund needs regular support.

For this reason we believe that each country should dedicate 10% of its subscription to the international fund.

Mark MERTES, the economic responsible of the International Team, will be in contact with each national treasurer to achieve this aim.

5) Thanks to all who replied to the questionnaire proposed on the occasion of the Meeting of the Spiritual Family of Charles de FOUCAULD which will take place in Castelfranco, Italy, in Easter Week. Aurelio will take part and will fill us in on all the preparations for the celebration of the centenary of the death of Blessed Charles de FOUCAULD.

6) The next meeting of the International Team will be in Perín, Spain, from October 20 to 29, 2015.

20150327-03It will be a time for us to listen together to all that is happening in fraternities around the world.

It will also be an opportunity for the team to discern what the Lord is asking of us so that, together, in fraternities spread across the whole world, we may all serve the unity of the human family, as called for by the Second Vatican Council and present Brother Charles as “Universal Brother”.

We do not forget that in these meetings of the International Team it is the spirit of Nazareth which guides us and calls us to live it out in our meeting the people and the Christian communities that welcome us.

In this spirit, during the course of our week, we met the Bishop of Cartagena, José Manuel LORCA, Little Sisters of Jesus, brother priests of the Murcia fraternity, as well as all those living in the Torre Nazaret community, those who host them and neighbours of the parish.

20150327-04We wish you well on your journey towards Easter and offer a heartfelt embrace.

Jean François and Aurelio

Perín, Cartagena, Murcia, Spain, 27 March, 2015

PDF: Letter Jean François and Aurelio,Perín, 27march2015, english

Letter to the fraternities of Brazil, January 2015

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

brasil-enero-2015-1what a great joy it is to be with you and to take part in the retreat in Casa Bethânia of San Juan Bautista, Santa Caterina (SC). Thanks to all, and especially to Gildo and the preparatory team. Thanks to Mauricio, my brother on the International Team. For the silent work of Almir, Edimar, Nicanor and other brothers, who received us and looked after us with simplicity both in the Florianópolis seminary and in Casa Bethânia: looking after all the little details with their help and availability, many thanks.

brasil-enero-2015-2As a European, our Bishops Edson and Eugênio have impressed me, with their fraternity style, truly “smelling of the sheep” and of the street. Eugênio has done us a great favour with his meditations, which have helped us to deepen our living the spirituality of Charles de FOUCAULD, and the shared celebrations of the Eucharist with people from Casa Bethânia, a family without blood ties, but united in faith in Jesus Saviour, and with the resonance of the message of welcome and love of their founder, Father Léo: it is a true miracle to restore to people their dignity and heart.

I believe that the diversity of participants is very good, not just priests of the Fraternity, but also the participation of lay members and supporters of the Fraternity and of the two deacons… This has lent a fine ecclesial and fraternal style to the twelve fraternities taking part in the retreat sharing in the Review of Life and the experiences of the Day in the Desert. Personally it has really helped me to get to know your Fraternity open to human realities, and not just centred on itself.

brasil-enero-2015-3Pope Francis has been another participant in our retreat. It is as if he has travelled along the path with us. We have appreciated his message, full of the Gospel, his prophecy and his love of the poor: a Church where we feel at home once more, and called to announce Jesus with the joy of the first Christians, in a complex world full of false gods, sometimes in the guise of institutions, individuals, systems, claims… attractions of power, of wealth, of pleasures. Francis has been a breath of fresh air for us and has spurred us on to give of what we have within us, as earthen vessels. His being in tune with the inspirations of brother Charles delights us, with his universal message which brings so much to the Church and also to the lives of the most abandoned.

I felt the joy in the celebrations, with the singing and raised hands, and the silence in the adoration. Thanks for allowing me share life celebrating what we are as wood from the same tree, with branches that afford shade, welcome birds, shelter from the rain, the tree of the cross which is the tree of life.

brasil-enero-2015-4Eugênio encouraged us to arrange a monthly Day in the Desert in our diaries, as a priority, giving time to the Lord, in order to listen to him, not to burden him with our petitions and prayers, stripped of everything, being just as we are, without pretense… without books, pen or paper… a gift from God. It might seem a waste of time, and, nevertheless, it is time the Lord has for us, gratuitously, in his hands, as we say in the Prayer of Abandonment.

brasil-enero-2015-5In February 2016, the centenary of Brother Charles, we will hold the first assembly of the Fraternity in the Americas in Mexico. There are eight countries in which the Priestly Fraternity is present… with North, central and South Americans: it is a challenge for our universality as Christians and as brothers; a call to us not to engage in naval gazing but to share the reality of a Church with different characteristics, yet one in the heart of Jesus.

I invite you to make frequent us of our Internet page and to share what is happening, communications and forthcoming events of the Brazilian fraternities. We have this means to get to know each other better and to bring us close to our brothers across the whole world.

Thanks for being brothers, for living brotherhood in your lives, and not just in theory. You have done me a power of good!

I bring a sincere embrace from you all to Spain, and from here send you another big and firm embrace.

brasil-enero-2015-6United in prayer and in the dream of brother Charles, your little brother

Aurelio SANZ BAEZA, brother responsible
Perín, Cartagena, Murcia, Spain, 18 January 2015