Be Brothers, Irish and UK fraternities, November 2022

Brothers together. From the Irish Responsable.

We were blessed as an Irish Fraternity by having over fifty of our Brothers come together for four wonderful days of communion and love in the west of Ireland last September, to mark this special year of joy and bask in the gentle afterglow of grace following the canonisation of Brother Charles.

We had a tranquil and contemplative time together and enjoyed having Bob Rainbow from Britain walk amongst us and give us new insight and encouragement. Jim Murphy led us on the themes of FRATERNITY / CONTEMPLATION / REVIEW OF LIFE and all the brothers contributed in a myriad of different ways to ensure we journeyed in unity of vision and focus. The presence of our Little Sisters was a core benediction and a constant reminder of the depth of simplicity and attentiveness to which we are all called.

We were and remain so thankful. As one brother remarked so beautifully afterwards: “In being thankful for the retreat, I am reminded of little Bernadette Sourbirous’s advice to a young novice who was attending to an elderly sister – ‘ Do not lead your sister to the point where she may express thankfulness for your care, because to be present in love to one another is thankfulness itself ‘. Such was our experience together. Thanks be to God.” So keep our next national retreat date in your diary! It is Sunday, September 24 – Thursday 28 2023.

We held a special commemorative Mass for our deceased brothers and continue to remember them during this month sacred to the memory of those who have gone before us. Requiescant in Pace. And as we approach Advent may each brother experience a new and deepening faith in the mystery of the Incarnation.

Beannachtai – Niall Ahern – Reponsable / Ireland

Read entire document on PDF: BeBrothers November 2022


On October 3, 2020, the eve of the memory of Saint Francis of Assisi, Pope Francis surprised the world with his Encyclical Letter entitled Fratelli Tutti – All Brothers. In it he called Christians and every person of good will to commit themselves, with an open heart, to a common ideal for which to build bonds of fraternity and social friendship. In his words, Pope Francis reminded us “how important it is to dream together! […] Alone, one runs the risk of having mirages, seeing what does not exist; dreams are built together” (Fratelli Tutti, n.8).

Read the full document in PDF: MISSION IN FRATELLI TUTTI. Willians Roque de BRITO eng