Letter Easter 2015, brother responsible

carlos-1916-2016Dear Brothers,

in the midst of this time of Easter, with the joy of the Risen Jesus, and without leaving aside concern for those suffering in so many parts of our world, near and far from us, carta-pascua-2015-1perhaps right beside us – immigrants, persecuted Christians, those displaced by wars, people treated like animals, child soldiers – people like ourselves living in a different country, or in a social, family or work environment with their Human Rights reduced to pure theory, for reasons we are all aware of, the message of Easter puts us in our place and opens our eyes. That young man dressed in white who in the tomb prepared for Jesus tells the women that Jesus is risen, not to come and embalm him but to go and proclaim that he is alive, that young man is each one of us, and it is our responsibility to tell by our lives as brothers that Jesus is alive, and no stone – greed, envy, hatred, fundamentalism – can hide it and that it is not necessary to continue embalming him with religious formulae that have nothing to do with the Gospel, reduced to an image that is worshipped but not loved. Jesus Christ, Son of the Father, our Brother, God on Earth, strengthens us today with carta-pascua-2015-2his light and sends us out to be priests, servants of the people, of the least of people, especially of the poor, not as religious professionals – Lords of the temple or masters of a religious court – (resort, condo, golf club – in each country it will have a different style –), who take refuge in ceremonies – and remain comfortable in their power structures and forms. Francis our Pope begins his Bull Misericordia Vultus saying that Jesus Christ is the face of the Father’s mercy, and further on, that we are called to live mercy because we first of all have been given mercy. This Holy Year announced by Francis is great news this Easter and calls us to be merciful. However, how difficult and complicated it is to be merciful to those who do not practise it, and that is where we face a challenge in our lives.

carta-pascua-2015-3It would be good to begin the Holy Year of Mercy in our fraternities doing a Review of Life suggested by each country’s situation and by the overall context of our world. Later we will be able to offer some ideas.

In Easter week we took part in the Assembly of the Charles de FOUCAULD Family in Castelfranco, Italy, with the delegates and responsibles of the Fraternities working in a fraternal atmosphere which the Disciples of the Gospel afforded us at their central fraternity, making us feel very much at home, accompanied in a simple manner by these young Sisters who are a pure joy. Thanks to them and to the team made up of Marianne, Anne Marie, Antonella and Josep, we worked on the theme ‘Charles de FOUCAULD, Man of Prayer, Worker, the Challenges for our Fraternities’, sharing our experiences. We shared the responses to the Preparatory Questionnaire. You can see the summary of our Priestly Fraternity response on the web-site www.iesuscaritas.org It is important to highlight all we did about the Centenary of Brother Charles, gathering the initiatives of the different Fraternities and countries. It is very clear that we want to celebrate the Centennial with the simplicity of people of the Gospel and in the style of Nazareth, without any triumphalism.

carta-pascua-2015-4Our next meeting will be in Aachen, Germany in Easter Week 2017. The new Preparatory Group is made up of Marianne, (Secretary), Armelle (Little Sister of the Gospel), Antonella (Disciple of the Gospel) and Claudio (Lay Fraternity).

It was a great joy for me to meet up in Castelfranco once more with Secondo MARTIN, the Italian Responsible, in the open carta-pascua-2015-5session, and with Giannantonio ALLEGRI, whom I met for the first time. His testimony and peace extravaganza helped me also to feel freed from abductions, attachments and dependencies, and called to forgive again and again those who might harm me. This brother gifts us with his Nazareth of life, heart and open hands to show the mercy of God in situations difficult to imagine. His abductors and his liberation live together in his heart.

carta-pascua-2015-6Other good news this Easter is the proximate beatification of Óscar Arnulfo ROMERO –Saint Romero of America –. His blood shed for the name of Jesus is another call to the universal Church to cherish the generous dedication of men and women who, like Archbishop ROMERO, have given all for their people. This pastor teaches us to be pastors like Jesus, without fleeing from the danger associated with commitment to the poorest. He did not fear the danger and, like Jesus, he sided with others without regard for the consequences. Congratulations especially to our Latin-American fraternities.

Our Brother Charles gives us, witnessing these weeks to changes in the world, to unresolved conflicts, and to new forms of slavery, the possibility from Nazareth to better understand those whose lives become problematic when they lose everything, due to accident, attack, natural catastrophe, war, extreme poverty or illness. How can we understand these suffering people? How do we understand God? Is it a head or a heart problem? How did Brother Charles fit together all he experienced, and how, Gospel in hand, are we called to share and help? For many life has lost its meaning; hope and mercy are the bread we must break daily and this is an exercise of conversion of our hearts, of faith and a contemplative space that puts us on the Cross of Jesus and in the tomb too, to announce fearlessly and joyfully that he is alive, with the stone rolled aside and the door wide open. Sharing pain and joy is a sign of incarnation.

carta-pascua-2015-7In July we will celebrate the Asian Month of Nazareth in Myanmar, and in November in Marsanne, France. Also in July the Viviers meeting for priests in relation to Islam. These events are mentioned on our web-site www.iesuscaritas.org and we on the International Team urge you to take part, or to pray for the brothers, putting these meetings of the Fraternity in the Lord’s hands, as an act of universal brotherhood. We must not stay only in our little fraternity groups of our local or national Fraternities: there are many other brothers of other languages or races who live the charism of Charles de FOUCAULD as diocesan priests. When we share all this, not like a brand label, or like a spiritual group, we are living universal brotherhood and we draw closer to the model of Jesus, to that of a Samaritan Church, which gets down from its high horse and attends to whoever is in need, without turning back or looking away.

To conclude, thanks for letting me know of any Fraternities events (retreats, Months of Nazareth, meetings…) to announce on the CALENDAR of the web-site. Many thanks to one and all.

With Easter joy, which spreads like the water we sprinkle on brothers and sisters in celebrations in our churches, my sincere and fraternal embrace proclaiming the resurrected Jesus.

carta-pascua-2015-8Aurelio SANZ BAEZA, brother responsible

Perín, Cartagena, Murcia, Spain, 23 April 2015
(Thank you, Liam, for the translation to English)

PDF: letter-easter-2015-brother-responsible

Summary of Castelfranco 2015 Questionnaire

(SUMMARY of the contributions that reached us from Brazil, Vietnam, Algeria, Tunisia, Chad, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Ireland, France, Malta and Spain)

Meeting of Responsibles of the Fraternities of Charles de FOUCAULD.

CASTELFRANCO, Italy, April 2015


1.- Each group and each person has their own way of undertaking work… How do we in our group undertake work in different contexts? To what extent?

As priests, we have to do everything. It is our mission. Most important is to serve our people, giving of our time, our health, our energy…All this in order to build the Kingdom, a better world, to make people happy, despite the grave difficulties experienced in some countries.

To act with joy, even when we are tired or overwhelmed by work.

2.- (Optional) Who am I when I am I am not involved in my profession, when I am retired, unemployed, sick, etc.?

We have to live Jesus and his Gospel message in the present moment. There is no retirement for us, and when there is illness, old age, different energies to when we were young: contemplating God present in life, people, and events. It is the stage of life when the Prayer of Abandonment makes most sense.

3.- For us, what is the link between work and prayer?

To be a companion, allowing ourselves be accompanied. Prayer is the source for our work, to be able to go about daily affairs with a new spirit, with joy and enthusiasm.

We should be working for Jesus: this comes through adoration, the celebration of the Eucharist, from listening to the Word and the call of our brothers both in the Revision of Life and in our gatherings.

We cannot choose one over the other: both are part of our life, and sometimes it is hard to have the time and the quiet necessary for a life of prayer that makes us friends of Jesus and of others. In Luke 10, 38-42 Martha and Mary, in the Gospel, teach us to spend time with Jesus and to work with love. In short, to work for Jesus.

4.- How do prayer and work shape our fraternities or communities and how do they shape each one of us. To what extent are prayer and work an expression of our embodiment?

We have a clear need of fraternity, of brothers, their lives and their words. Fraternity is a source of prayer; Charles de FOUCAULD, a model of how to embody friendship with Jesus; and where manual, social and pastoral work, accompaniment, the struggle for human rights, are sustained by a life of prayer and friendship with Jesus. This leads us to believe in the universal brotherhood that Jesus and Brother Charles dream of. That is why, for us, incarnation is the life witness that we ought to give, not running away from human situations we don’t like, since we are part of them.

We must share people’s situation, not impose our rules.

Work and prayer gradually change us to be bearers of peace and joy to those among whom we live.

Celebration of Centenary in Madagascar

In order to prepare for the Centenary of the Pasch of Blessed Brother Charles de Foucauld and the next Continental Assembly of the lay fraternities of Africa, in regard to which Madagascar figures as one of the proposed countries to host it, the six members of the of the national team from six groups of the Spiritual Family in Madagascar (three laity: two men and one woman, a religious sister and two priests) met in an extraordinary meeting over three days, the 25, 26 and 27 February 2015.

At the end of the meeting, the laity were charged with transmitting the results of our exchanges and reflections at their next assembly as rapidly as possible to the continental Responsible, in the form of proposals,. I, for my part, would simply like to share our projects for the celebration of the centenary of the death of Brother Charles. We hope that these projects do not deviate from the line advocated by the message of the International Team of the Priestly Fraternity: ‘Everything, by sharing with the most humble, must be a celebration in the style of Nazareth, far from any expression of triumph or grandeur’ (Courrier des Fraternités, Edition nationale, N° 221 – Janvier 2015, p. 4).

The actual celebration will practically cover the whole 2016 centennial year and will include for us two specific, complementary and inseparable, objectives: firstly, to reinvigorate existing fraternities, because they are fledgling fraternities, still fragile fraternities, searching for ways for their testimony of life; and secondly, to create awareness of Brother Charles de Foucauld now beatified, as well as of his message, his charism, to show his relevance in full daylight. It will begin on Sunday 15 November 2015, the anniversary of his beatification, and will close on Sunday 4 December 2016. For the opening celebration, each base fraternity is encouraged to arrange, with the agreement of the parish priests, a celebration of the Eucharist that they will endeavour to prepare, in the spirit and spirituality of Nazareth, as well as possible. For the closing celebration, we will organise for the priests a week’s retreat from Saturday 26 November until Sunday 4 December 2016, in the spirit of Nazareth. We propose holding in this final week the continental meeting of the African Lay fraternities in our country, so as to lend a more universal dimension to the closing Mass of Sunday 4 December. It will be celebrated in one of the capital’s parishes and it will see the presence of all the fraternities of Madagascar that can come. It will be followed by a fraternal agape which we will have the joy of sharing with the delegates of the fraternities of the other countries of our continent.

During the year 2016, we foresee having some activities from the perspective of the two objectives that we have set ourselves. For the existing fraternities, we aim to send them four sets of questions for them to address each quarter, not only to keep them awake during the centenary year, but also to help them to launch very simple local activities, activities specific to their level, without ever losing sight of their link to other fraternities. On a national level, we aim to organise a radio broadcast per month on Radio Don Bosco (RDB) which covers the whole of the country by relay with the numerous diocesan radio stations. Through these programmes we aim to raise awareness of Brother Charles’ life and the relevance of his message. We plan to record these programmes during the month of July 2015, in order to have sufficient time to copy them and distribute them by CD to the different base fraternities. Songs composed by major seminarians of ours on Brother Charles will be broadcast at the same time as the programmes and provide quality musical support, with a singing of the prayer of abandonment already widely known in our fraternities.

Our desire to make Brother Charles known does not stop there. A play about his life and the relevance of his message is at present being drafted by one of us and will be staged during the centenary year: indeed, performances constitute for the simple people amongst us, a privileged means of transmitting a message. Along the same lines, reports will be given of today’s Malagasy fraternities, in order to show, by means of their regular meetings and different commitments, how the message of Brother Charles is beginning to be gradually received on the great island.

As the majority of the Malagasy people, especially the most humble, listen, watch and admire much more readily what they read, we have decided to prioritise the audio-visual aspect of communication. However, we also are publishing some articles in newspapers or in specialist magazines, to make Brother Charles and his spirituality in intellectual circles or in certain particular strata of the Malagasy population better known.

We entrust all these projects and all these activities to one another’s prayers, so that with the grace of God and the support of Brother Charles himself, they may bear abundant fruit for the fraternities and the whole Church in Madagascar!

Have a good road to Easter!

brother felix RAJAONARIVELO

Letter of Jean-François and Aurelio, march 27th 2015

Dear Brothers,

from the 21st to the 27th of March we met in Perín, at Aurelio’s home, to reflect and work on the life of the fraternities. By means of this letter we wish to be united with you, our brothers spread throughout the world, in Africa, in North and South America, Central America and the Caribbean in Asia, Australasia and Europe.

20150327-01We believe that an important fact in the life of the Christian communities, that we accompany as priests today, is the teaching of Pope Francis, and the perspectives for the renewal of the life of the Church which he has set out in his apostolic exhortation Evangelii Gaudium

We are delighted with the convergence between the main themes developed by Pope Francis and some fundamental aspects of the spiritual message of Brother Charles:

  • The joy that comes from our meeting Jesus
  • The urge to mission, which involves friendship and familiarity with the people entrusted to us (with reference to “the smell of the sheep”).
  • The desire for a Church capable of “going out to the periphery”
  • The proposal of “a Church with and for the poor”.
  • The importance of mercy for all those hurt by life…

Thanks to all our brothers who highlight this convergence in their writings and utterances on the occasion of meetings and retreats. This helps us progress and reiterates the validity our priestly fraternity has at the heart of the life and mission of the Church.

During our week joined in friendship and sharing together in prayer, we addressed various themes which are related, in one way or another, to the “universal brotherhood” desired by Brother Charles:

1) The recognition of the Priestly Fraternity Iesus Caritas by the Congregation for Clergy. This is not just some formal procedure in order to ‘comply’ with them. It is a case, above all, of investing our priestly ministry with the special character that marks the spirituality of brother Charles (the spirituality of Nazareth, the missionary dimension characterised by an apostleship of goodness, the preferential option for the poor, and our willingness to share responsibility with laity…) within the dynamic of the universal Church.

20150327-02Following a short meeting Aurelio, accompanied by Secondo Martin (Italy) and Honoré (Burkina Faso), had with Cardinal STELLA, the new Prefect of the Congregatio pro Clericis, in Rome, last December we proceeded to send on all the documentation requested with our request. We await recognition.

2) We also worked on the project for the intercontinental meeting of the Americas (North, Central and South with the Caribbean) in Mexico in February 2016.

Our thanks to the fraternities of Mexico who will host this important meeting and provide food and accommodation.

Thanks also to Mauricio da SILVA JARDIM from Porto Alegre and to Mark MERTES from Kansas City for their active involvement in the preparation.

3) In the context of a situation marked by the tensions between part of the Muslim world and the West, we see the importance of the Viviers meeting next June 13 – 19, on the theme “Diocesan Priests, at the service of the meeting of Christians and Muslims in the light of the message of Charles de FOUCAULD”.

This meeting will help us have a better understanding of priestly ministry in its responsibility to promote and develop within Christian communities a movement of encounter and dialogue with Muslims.

Priests of the European fraternities will meet with priests who minister in the Maghreb or in the Sahel. This exchange of experiences could be valuable in helping us to adapt to one another in our concern to serve “universal brotherhood”.

(See the invitation to the meeting on the international Fraternity website: www.iesuscaritas.org)

4) Universal brotherhood includes economic solidarity between all fraternities.

In order to organise the Month of Nazareth or meetings, and the travel involved, the international fund needs regular support.

For this reason we believe that each country should dedicate 10% of its subscription to the international fund.

Mark MERTES, the economic responsible of the International Team, will be in contact with each national treasurer to achieve this aim.

5) Thanks to all who replied to the questionnaire proposed on the occasion of the Meeting of the Spiritual Family of Charles de FOUCAULD which will take place in Castelfranco, Italy, in Easter Week. Aurelio will take part and will fill us in on all the preparations for the celebration of the centenary of the death of Blessed Charles de FOUCAULD.

6) The next meeting of the International Team will be in Perín, Spain, from October 20 to 29, 2015.

20150327-03It will be a time for us to listen together to all that is happening in fraternities around the world.

It will also be an opportunity for the team to discern what the Lord is asking of us so that, together, in fraternities spread across the whole world, we may all serve the unity of the human family, as called for by the Second Vatican Council and present Brother Charles as “Universal Brother”.

We do not forget that in these meetings of the International Team it is the spirit of Nazareth which guides us and calls us to live it out in our meeting the people and the Christian communities that welcome us.

In this spirit, during the course of our week, we met the Bishop of Cartagena, José Manuel LORCA, Little Sisters of Jesus, brother priests of the Murcia fraternity, as well as all those living in the Torre Nazaret community, those who host them and neighbours of the parish.

20150327-04We wish you well on your journey towards Easter and offer a heartfelt embrace.

Jean François and Aurelio

Perín, Cartagena, Murcia, Spain, 27 March, 2015

PDF: Letter Jean François and Aurelio,Perín, 27march2015, english

Reminder for the VIVIERS meeting (July 2015)

Priestly ministry at the service of encounter with Muslims in the light of the spiritual message of Charles de Foucauld

More than ever this theme takes on a great relevance in a social and political context marked by fears and withdrawal in regard to defensive identity.

This meeting is open to all diocesan priests who wish to promote and develop the encounter between Christians and Muslims in the context of their ordinary pastoral ministry. There are still 20 places available.

It will bring together priests from different European countries and priests exercising their Ministry in different countries of the Maghreb and sub-Saharan Africa.

It will take place in Viviers between 18.00 (6.00 pm) on July 13 and 9.00 am on July 19.

The talks will take place in the following manner :

On Tuesday morning: “The Situation of Islam in Europe” by Fr. Christophe ROUCOU Director of SRI (National Secretariat for Relations with Islam)

Wednesday morning: “Reflection on a diocesan pastoral inspired by the spiritual message of Brother Charles de Foucauld” by Monsignor Claude Rault, Bishop of Ghardaïa (Algeria)

Thursday morning: “Priestly Ministry and the service of universal brotherhood” by Fr. Jean-François Berjonneau (Assistant General of the Priestly Fraternity Jesus Caritas)

Friday morning: ”Testimonies of priests in the Maghreb and in the Sahel” Fr. Bernard Janicot for Algeria, Fr. Esaü Odjiram from Chad, and Fr. Denis Koyedama from The Central African Republic (members of the Fraternity)

Afternoons will be devoted to sharing different experiences of encounter and dialogue between Muslims and Christians in the different countries represented.

  • Various initiatives of dialogue and common action
  • Dialogue and encounters between young Muslims and young Christians in neighbourhoods
  • Heightening awareness and training of Christians in dioceses

Those who wish to inscribe for and partake in this meeting must do so as soon as possible using the form, on the iesuscaritas.org web-site or that in the Courrier des Fraternités n.º 221, Janvier 2015

Jean François BERJONNEAU, Assistant General of the Fraternity