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Author Archives: Fraternidad Iesus Caritas
Laurent DOGNIN, Bishop of Quimper and Léon
Laurent Marie Bernard DOGNIN, bishop of Quimper and Léon since 20 May 2015.
Laurent DOGNIN, a member of the Priestly Fraternity was born in Paris on 3 January 1953. He has five brothers and sisters and grew up in Meudon where he was aware of his calling from the age of eight. He was ordained priest 15 June 1980 for the diocese of Nanterre.
He served successively as assistant priest in Levallois-Perret until 1986, as Assistant Priest and then Parish Priest of the Parish of Sainte-Geneviève at Asnières-sur-Seine until 1997. From 1988 to 1990 he was also regional delegate of the Frat de Lourdes, youth pilgrimage. In 1997 he became Parish Priest of Saint-Pierre et Saint-Jacques and Dean of Neuilly-sur-Seine, a post he held until 2006. From 2003 to 2006 he was also episcopal Vicar for for the Centre region of the diocese of Nanterre. In 2006, he became Vicar General of the diocese with special care for consecrated life, and care for movements and associations of the faithful and moderator of the diocesan Curia.
He also took on responsibilities within the Priestly Fraternity Jesus Caritas where he was regional responsible for the Ile-de-France and Upper Normandy from 2002 to 2008 and European Responsible from 2007 to 2011. Inspired by the spirituality of Charles de FOUCAULD, he had formed the habit before his nomination as Bishop, of practising once a month a desert day.
On 5 January 2011, Pope Benedict XVI nominated him titular bishop of Macriana di Mauretania and auxiliary bishop of Bordeaux to Cardinal Jean-Pierre Ricard. He was consecrated by the latter on 27th February 2011.
On 20 May 2015 he was nominated by Pope Francis as Bishop of Quimper and Léon (Brittany) and he will be installed on 5 July in the Cathedral of Saint-Corentin de Quimper. Not knowing the diocese which he traversed on motorcycle in his youth, at his nomination he expressed the wish to learn some words of Breton but also to get to understand the culture.
French Episcopal Conference
From 2012 to 2014, he has been a member of the Episcopal Commission for universal Mission of the Church. Head of the National Department for the pastoral care of Migrants and Itinerant people (SNPMPI).
In this capacity, he participated, along with eighteen Christian organizations, in the preparation of a brochure dedicated to a Christian reflection on the reception of migrants: “Towards encountering a brother come from outside”.
On 17 April 2013, he was elected president of the Board of Direction of RCF (Radios Chrétiennes Francophones), at the plenary meeting of the bishops of France in Paris.
At the plenary meeting of the \bishops of France in April 2014, moreover, he was elected as President of the Episcopal Commission for the universal Mission of the Church a role he assumed on 1st July 2014.
« In Spe Gaudentes » (Rm 12,12)
(“Joyful in Hope”)
Mario FILIPPI, Brasil, Jubileu da Ordenação Presbiteral
(Português) BRASIL, Retiro em Dores de Rio Preto
(Español) Hermanitas de Jesús en Ceuta
(Español) Entrevista a Edson DAMIAN
(Français) Compte-rendu Assemblée Castelfranco, Claudio CHIARUTTINI
(Français) Aux amis du diocèse de Maroua-Mokolo et de Tokombéré
Our brother Mathieu SAWADOGO
Rev. Fr. Mathieu Sawadogo, member of the Priestly Fraternity of Iesus Caritas of Burkina Faso died on Friday, May 1st, 2015. His funeral will be held Monday 4th May at Ouahigouya. He died in a street accident on his way to administer the Sacrament of Reconciliation to the nuns of the Monastery of St. Clare of Saye (7 km from Ouahigouya).
Fr. Mathew was born in 1958, ordained priest on 9th July 1988 and died at the 57. He has exercised his priestly ministry in various parishes and institutions of the diocese of Ouahigouya (Ouahigouya, the Episcopal Secretariat, Kongoussi, the Youth Chaplaincy, Titao, Bam). After a stay of study and missionary cooperation in Mexico from 2008 to 2012 he returned to Ouahigouya and was the spiritual director of the minor seminarians and confessor of the nuns of St. Clare at Saye.
Father Mathieu is a diligent member of the Priestly Fraternity of Iesus Caritas of Burkina Faso. We remember him as a very humble and meet brother. He is always attentive to the joys and sufferings of others. His death is a great sorrow for his diocese and for the spiritual Family of Charles de Foucauld in Burkina Faso. Let us pray for him that the Lord may welcome him into his eternal life.