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Author Archives: Fraternidad Iesus Caritas
(Italiano) Diario Italia 116, Luglio 2015
(Français) Appel à l’Espérance, VIVIERS, Juillet 2015
(Português) Brasil: Apertura do centenário de Charles de Foucauld, junho 2016
(Français) Grégoire CADOR, Aux amis du diocèse, 23 Juillet 2015
Letter from Myanmar – July 2015
Asian Month of Nazareth 2015
Greetings of Peace and Joy!
We are 26 diocesan priests from Pakistan (9), Myanmar (6), India (4), Bangladesh (3), Philippines (3) and Korea (1) belonging to Jesus Caritas Priests’ Fraternity who came together for the 3rd Asian Month of Nazareth from July 1st to 24th of July, 2015. It is to be noted that this Month of Nazareth was held almost after 20 years!
Grounding in the Golden Land of Myanmar
The welcome at Yangon International Airport and the short stay at the Catholic Bishops Conference of Myanmar Centre (CBCM) impressed on us the warm hospitality of our Myanmar brothers. Then after a 9 hours bus journey up here in the northeast mountains of Mandalay City we found a home at the Don Bosco Retreat House called Nazareth in Anisakhan, Pwin Oo Lwin, where the hills are green, the breeze cool and the rains gentle!
Myanmar is a beautiful country. Burma, as it was called previously, was shaped by a history of kingdom conquests, then by colonial domination and finally became an independent nation in 1948. The role of Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Aung San Suu Kyi in the recent years was mentioned. Buddhism is 89% of the 50 million population. The remaining minority is shared by the Christians, Muslims, Hindus and the animists. The Catholic Church comprised the 1.4 % and just has celebrated 500 years of presence in this country. Western missionaries were banned since their nationalization in the 60’s. The local clergy and the religious now continues the mission works mostly among the indigenous communities where conversions are likely possible.
Gifts and Graces of the Fraternity
Our daily rhythm of fraternity life initiated us to the Spirituality of Nazareth, Life and Faith Journey of Bro. Charles, Spirit and Structures of Jesus Caritas Priests Fraternity and other relevant themes. These deepened and widened our perspectives to appreciate better the gifts of the Fraternity.
Nazareth as experienced by Brother Charles de Foucauld amidst many restlessness of his heart also disturbed us from our comfort zones towards welcoming, respecting, listening, and learning from one another as brothers.
Our source was the Word of God. We learnt to be lovers of the Word before becoming preachers. Praying the Psalms together and reading the Scripture was not only going through the written word but was about communing with the Beloved. This made a difference to our Gospel Sharing. From the tendency to preach, we were humbled to share on the impact of the Word in one’s personal life without having to prove anything or to convince anyone.
Adoration to the Blessed Sacrament in silence allowed us to tame our restlessness.
The difficulty to be serene for a prolonged period could be agonizing when we are too focused on our own self. We allowed Jesus to look at us with his loving Presence. What we celebrated together at the Breaking of the Bread was to be a presence we have to adore so as to emulate Jesus broken for everyone.
The Desert Day in the beginning was an adventure to scout exciting places like the waterfalls, countryside farms and others. Later on, silence and solitude found us to meet God with deeper awareness and gladness.
The write-up entitled: Membership of the Fraternity by our General Reponsible Aurelio Sanz Baeza was read together and was discussed at length. It was termed to be an additional help for soul searching regarding our life and commitment to our Fraternities. However, it was heighted that certain aspects of the Life of the Fraternity and its membership have to be measured and understood in the prevailing Asian situations, realties and sensibilities.
Our 5-day Retreat was another significant time for prolonged silence and personal prayer. It invited us to be in touched with our inner human longings. From there we shall meet God like the Samaritan woman with all her human thirsts meeting Jesus at the well. We need to be engaged with Jesus, the True Vine and be open to painful prunings. Only then can we bear fruit. Such fruitfulness is the creative and humble service like washing the feet of our brothers and sisters and not simply wishing them well.
The Brothers making their first Month of Nazareth very enthusiasticly and passionately made their Commitment whereas others eagerly and fervently renewed it during the concludind celebration of the Holy Eucharist presided by Arthur Charles the Asian Responsible.
Gladness and Gratitude in our Hearts
As we begin to descend from the mountains towards the plains of Yangoon, we carry the beautiful memories of our silence, prayers and sharing, laughers and fun together.
The names and faces of the people of Myanmar, they whom we met in the parishes we visited in Pwin Oo Lwin and Mandalay City, the Buddhist monks and folks on the road and in the monastery, the fraternal service of the Salesian Fathers and Staff, the dedication of our Myanmar Brothers, Cardinal Charles Bo, other Bishops and priests who welcomed us at their rectories for meals may have been captured in our cameras for pictures and videos. But more significantly, it is they who captured us with their gentleness, generosity and simplicity.
Aurelio Sanz Baeza, General Responsible – Spain, Klaus Beurle, our animator & inspiration – Germany and brothers in the International Fraternities who generously support Asian fraternities; Emmanuel Asi, International Council Member – Pakistan, Tony Llanes, Retreat Preacher – Philippnes, Edo C. Coroza, Asian Council Member, Thomaiar Susai, resource person – India and Arthur Charles, Asian Responsible – Pakistan who shared their wisdom and witness; and our people at home whom we left behind and have prayed for us made us mindful of God’s providence beyond telling as we remember them in our liturgy.
All of them were like the trees, plants and flowers so wonderfully placed by God on the lake of the beautiful National Kandawgyi Garden in Pwin Oo Lwin that sought and soothed our souls. Our Myanmar stay became an experience of discovery and discernment to take on deeper roots, to bloomed to bear fruits in the Spirit of Nazareth.
Going Home with Faith Aflamed
Going home to each one’s country turned to be a moment of grief when Thomaiar could no longer go back to India alive. He was rather called Home to our Father in Heaven after he suffered stroke towards the end of our retreat and eventually succumbed to death on eve of the Feast of St. James the Apostle on July 24th. Our hearts may be heavy but we have to keep the faith that the Risen Lord is walking along with us. He keeps the flame of faith burning in our hearts in our renewed mission in our home parishes and varied ministries. We carry the hope to nourish the gifts of welcome, simplicity and solidarity in Jesus Caritas.
The name of the Philippines was proposed by the participants as the venue for the Asian Assembly to be held in July 2016. The representatives from the Philippines whole heartedly accepted the proposal. They will work on the suitable place and the dates.
Kye su tin par der, Pha Ya khaung chi pay pa se!
Thank you and God bless!
Brothers in the 3rd Asian Month of Nazareth in Myanmar 2015
Thomaiar is dead in the end of the month of Nazareth
Bangalore Priest dies in Myanmar
From Our Special Correspondent Daijiworld Media Network
Bengaluru, Jul 25: The Parish Priest of the Holy Family Church in Ramamurthy Nagar in Bengaluru, Fr S Thomaiar, who had gone to Myanmar along with two other priests to participate in the Jesus Caritas Fraternity meeting three weeks ago, died in Yangon of Myanmar on July 24.
According to a message from the Archbishop of Bangalore Most Rev Dr Bernard Moras, the priest suddenly suffered a serious stroke on July 21 and was admitted to the local hospital. Though he was showing signs of improvement, the condition of the priest suddenly deteriorated on Thursday and he died at 8.43 pm.
Fr Alphonse Bhaskar, who is in Myanmar, is trying to make arrangements to shift the body to India, the Archbishop said.
Archbishop Moras also indicated that the local Archbishop Most Rev Charles Bo and a few priests are helping Fr Bhaskar in completing the formalities of shifting the body to Bengaluru. However, it is not clear as to when the body will reach Bengaluru, the Archbishop said.
Fr Thomaiar was born on July 11, 1951 and was ordained on June 5, 1978.
“Please pray for the repose of Fr Thomaiar’s soul. May the good Lord grant him eternal rest, and give the necessary graces to his dear ones and to all of us in the Archdiocese to accept this great loss,’’ the Archbishop said in a condolence message.
Brothers and sisters in the Fraternity of Blessed Charles of Jesus
This is letter of introduction about medals and pins of Br. Charles for the upcoming Centennial year starting December 1st, 2015.
I have taken the initiative to produce some medals, lapel pins, and Jesus Caritas crosses. All these items were made in China, in very large quantities to keep the price low, so that anyone, any where in the world, can afford to have one. Eventually I hope to recoup the funds as you and I distribute these beautiful items at a low price.
This a sneak preview for you. Could you please send me the emails of as many national responsible’s as possible, so they can see these items and may take some responsibility for marketing them within their own countries. When I have all the emails possible together then I will send an email to all the international addresses presenting the items and the details for the way to pay including poatage. Then only one package needs to be sent to each region/country ..
You understand the need to send these items in bulk so as to be cost effective. The items are so inexpensive it would be counterproductive to send individual orders for so little money. The postage for sending 1 or 2 make it cost prohibitive. I need to send packages in bulk only.
Fr Lenny Tighe, Boston Ma USA
USA: amadeus617@aol.com – 617 323 5994
Sold only in lots outside USA due to high cost for international postage.
Postage to determined
Model 1
Will sell for $.30 each or 3 for $1.00 USD
1”x ½“ or 25mm * 12.7mm
Sold in a lot of 50 only: ouside USA
Model 2
Lapel pin as shown, nail pin back: $1.00 USD
1 ¼” x 1 ½” or 31mm x 38mm
Sold in a lot of 25 only outside of the USA
Model 3
Jesus Caritas Cross pendant: exactly same as lapel pin
To be worn from neck chain: $1.00 USD
1 ¼” x 1 ½” or 31mm x 38mm
lot of 25 only Outside USA
Model 4
Small pendant cross, detail on right: $1.00 USD
¾” x ½” or 19mm x 12mm
Sold in a lot of 25 only: outside USA
Model 5
Plaque d’or: $4.00 USD
The photo of Br Charles will be larger and more detail than shown.
Jesus Caritas is engraved on the reverse.
Can be worn either way
1 ½“ x 1” or 25mm x 12.7mm
Sold in a lot of 15 outside the US
(Português) Brasil: Irmãozinhos da visitação da fraternidade de Charles de Foucauld
It was a very simple occasion: the small and humble shared with Pope Francis the celebration of the canonization of the Universal Brother. Brother Charles died of an “overdose of humanity”. This, and no other, was the prevailing reason for proclaiming the holy man to be a saint, though he would never have imagined seeing his image in that “Bernini’s Glory” made with great love by the tuaregs on the great haima (carpet) which they erected near Tamanrasset, and composed of pieces of blue cloth and small rocks from the place: bits of the life of the men and women of this earth and pieces of the planet, the work of God; stones which are not hurled as weapons, but rather the heritage of a wonderful world that sustains and governs us, as Francis of Assisi used to say in his Canticle of Creation.
Pope Francis enjoyed speaking Arabic with his Argentinian accent. The strong wind swept away his pages, which flew through the dunes, but he continued speaking in Spanish, and everyone understood him, all those present, each with his own language and culture, his different skin colour and his heart open to the festivity and the sharing. Jesus, the Master, has given us a lesson in universal brotherhood, – a Master crazy
about his disciples and every human being; a free-spirited dreamer, who reiterates in every loving gesture his commitment to us. The Pope shared with us the bread of the very poorest, that which Jesus shared with his friends, – as he had done at the canonization of Archbishop Romero – , who always has been Saint Romero of America -, the one who only is accepted when he is poor and feels himself as one in need of the mercy of God and of his neighbour. It is that bread which brother Charles could not share in either great or small celebrations when he lived on the African stage, but he made it present with his life and his condition of being a neighbour and man of God, in the Nazareth of sharing with the people tea and dates, feeling himself in need of others, fragile and humble.
It was a great joy being with people from around the world, among the last come from everywhere. Believers and unbelievers, Christians and non-Christians who, above religious forms, seek peace, equality for all, and the common good. There was no showy decorations, no golden tunics nor cardinals, bishops or priests in flashy dress: no uniforms or weapons, even purely decorative ones. Jesus become human for us and made a friend of all by the will of the merciful Father and with sufficient capacity to hold in his heart all the poor of the world, all who flee war, all ill-treated by a system where the only god is economic gain, even at the expense of human lives; the permanently crucified Jesus of those who have nothing, risen in every man or woman who begins to be born.
And there they were, perfectly following the ceremony without large offerings, without the hypocrisy of diplomatic protocol or hypocrisy often dressed up as religion. People, without the right to speak, to means of well-being, to schooling or university, to free health care and medication, to ways of living in dignity with a roof or house, to some food and land of their own. They were there in their thousands, without making noise or great speeches. They who had never heard speak of Brother Charles or of Jesus of Nazareth.
There was Shilma, a refugee of a rejected ethnic group in a country of Southeast Asia, Myanmar. A mother of six children, without her people, without resources. The face of millions of people trapped by the great differences which men have set up to distinguish some beings from others. Her husband, Modid, attends daily to search in the camp for sustenance for his family; he suffers from all the effects of malaria
Golu, who is ten, collects rubbish in a part of India, and must support his family so they can eat once a day the rice that takes away the hunger, but fails to nourish as in Western countries or among the wealthy of his own country. Golu dreams of the day in which he will be able to study, and learn to live in the world with his full rights.
Margarita, from Mexico City, cares for her grandson who has been totally disabled for twenty-five years, fighting and working for her family; a woman of faith and convinced that prayer and trust in Jesus are her true strength. She prays to Our Lady of Guadalupe not only for her grandson, or her family or her neighbours; she prays for the poorest of the poor no matter what country they are from and where they are.
Aboubakar, a teenage from de Burkina Faso, small, malnourished, with HIV as the only legacy from his parents, smiling, impressed since he is not the only person in the world who has problems. His big eyes make me think of the eyes of the Creator.
Hadmed, seventy years, has spent half a lifetime in Yarmuk refugee camp in Syria. The war remains his daily companion, like the unending mp3 music in the ears of any European or American youth. Hadmed continues thinking of peace, peace in simple things and between people, children of the same God, who is prayed to in mosques, in churches, in pagodas or in synagogues.
And Terry, who strolls each day along the esplanade beside the sea at Cairns, in the North of Australia, each day dragging his one leg. He lost the other one because of his bad blood-circulation. Alcohol runs through his veins together with bad memories of having lost everything: family, work, friends… Each night he receives the kindness of volunteers at a home for the extremely poor. Despite all, he continues laughing and speaks to everyone of his hopes and realities. He is a great conversationalist. I’d say that the only one who does not hear him is Warrior, his old and deaf dog. He says he has no religion, but who knows…
I met Raquel, a Spaniard, a regular on the poorly lit streets of Cartagena, where she works to continue consuming heroin and cocaine. Raquel is transsexual and never found her place in the family, or in society. She sells herself as a means of survival, but what really gives her life is the embrace of her companions, her support when she is well and when she wants disappear from this world. She wears a Rosary round her neck, as a necklace; she says that it brings her luck and protects her. She is ashamed to enter a church, because she is looked at askance and she draws a lot of attention, but she prays to God and to Our Lady when she passes through the door.
I could go on recounting the lives and the thousands of faces of Jesus in this canonization of Brother Charles, presided over by the Love of God and calls to consider any human being as a brother, as an equal. We all teach each other to be worthy of the same Father. Some recited the Prayer of Abandonment, others closed their eyes and dreamed of a better world. Some understood that fraternity is a way of
living and of growing in spirituality and in the commitment to give without expecting to receive in everyday tasks, others felt that they were not alone. We looked at each other and there was nothing strange between us, and we understood that the message of the life of this man, a man of God, transcends borders and religions, a life of faith and living without God. His message of universal brotherhood, his death and resurrection caused by “an overdose of humanity”.
Saint Charles de Foucauld, pray for us.
Santiago, Chile, June 2015