Jacques GAILLOT, Blessed are the Merciful

If I were asked to draw mercy, how would I do it? A person approaches me with arms extended, with a face full of goodness and eyes that speak of the tenderness of his/her heart.

Mercy shows excess, disproportion, superabundance, gratuitousness… It goes beyond our pittances.

It is no wonder that we are surprised and taken aback.

Surpassing the logic of giving and receiving, it exceeds strict justice, expecting nothing in return.

Mercy is Jesus’ signature: a gift that exceeds all justice.

In the Gospel, only women show evidence of superabundance!

“I love them so much I find them beautiful”

Some time ago I was invited to visit a home for people with severe disabilities. It was a house that lay on the outskirts of a town. The person who accompanied me through the different rooms was a priest. Normally he worked at night but he had to be there so that I could pay the visit.

20160810_01I passed disjointed bodies, broken faces that seemed covered with masks of ugliness. I found their screams unbearable.

I was anxious and upset. The one accompanying me noted my unease, he looked at me and made this extraordinary statement that I have never forgotten:

“I love them so much I find them beautiful!”

This pierced my heart. A path opened before me to discover my fears and weaknesses. .

I understood that loving is not doing something for someone, it is to discover that it is beautiful. Is happiness not knowing that one is beautiful in the eyes of others?

This priest had a heart of “flesh” not a heart of “stone”. He didn’t put up walls of fear to protect himself from others. He was free to approach them and love them. He could understand each disabled person: “You are important! I love you! With your wounds and your weaknesses, you can be great and be yourself”.

“I can’t forgive”.

One afternoon, a woman I barely knew, begged me insistently to go to see a great friend of hers who was about to die in the Salpêtrière, the great Parisian hospital: she was suffering from Charcot joint disease (hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy).

I refused: to go to the hospital to see a woman I didn’t know and who was about to die; was difficult. Why? But the woman on the telephone ignored my reluctance.

“I beg you, come here”.

I left everything and went to the hospital, with leaden feet and unwillingly: I knew nothing of this sick woman who was about to die, not even her name. Was she married? Was she a Christian? And if there were two patients in the room, which one was her?

20160810_02Knocking at the room door I stopped my questioning and put my trust in the Holy Spirit..

I saw an enormous smile on the face of this woman with Charcot joint disease. The man at the foot of her bed was her husband. He left hurriedly.

I found myself alone with this woman who was very thin and was unable to speak. She was writing on a small slate without pausing and showed me the slate. I liked what she wrote.

  • “Thanks for being here. Can I ask you a few things?”
  • “Yes, if they are not too difficult”

She began to laugh. Her question surprised me:

  • “What will happen when I reach the hereafter?”
  • “You will see when you are there, what is important is what is happening now”

My reply caused her to laugh out loud. All was well between us.

“I think the same as you”

Then came the crucial question:

  • “I haven’t managed to forgive those who have wronged me. I would like to die in peace. I have a weight in my heart”
  • “It is not easy to forgive. Despite our efforts we don’t manage it. Let us both ask our heavenly Father for the strength to forgive those who have harmed us”

I took her hand and slowly said the Lord’s prayer. I noted that she joined in the prayer with all her heart.

I gave her a blessing. I kissed her on the forehead and left.

20160810_03One afternoon I received a text message on my phone:

“I have forgiven. My heart is at peace. Thanks be to God. Thank you for this light-filled encounter”.

Next morning a new text-message:

“My heart is at great peace. I am ready to go when the Lord wants. Thanks again for that meeting of peace and light”.

She died soon afterwards.

Mercy is not manufactured; it is received.

God’s gift is not bought, is not sold, it is not a return call.

Give freely without expecting anything in return, without anybody losing hope.

Risk loving until the end.

”Mercy is the best way to enter the Kingdom of God”. (Pope Francis)

“Blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy” Mt 5,7

20160810_04Jacques GAILLOT,
Bishop of Partenia,
Priestly Fraternity Iesus Caritas

Paris, 20 June, 2016
(Text of Jacques GAILLOT exclusively for iesuscaritas.org)
(Thanks, Liam, for English translation)

PDF: Jacques GAILLOT, Blessed are the Merciful

Baba Simon. CAMERÚN


We want through this paper, to present to you Father Simon Mpeke, a Cameroonian priest whose Beatification process is currently being looked into in Rome, after having being validly accepted by the Diocese.


MPEKE was born around the year 1906, in Batombé (Edéa) in Cameroon, of non-Christian agricultural parents.

In 1914, while schooling in the school taken care of by the German Pallutine Fathers, he asked to be baptised. His wish came to be realised and he was baptised on 14th August 1918, after the First World War, by the French, Holy Ghost Missionaries in Edéa, with Simon as his Christian name.

He took as job Head Teacher, in the primary schools found in the remote areas in Edéa and later in the main mission in Edéa.

It is here, that in 1921, he will get to know that “a Black could become a priest.” He did not hesitate one bit.

He therefore, turned down his wedding arrangements with a young girl, to whom he was betrothed and began studying Latin with a small group of friends. In August 1924, he gained admission into the Seminary at Yaoundé, which opened its doors in July 1923.

There, he left a rich memory of himself as an excellent, serious, very pious and peaceful Seminarian.

Moreover, he is part of the first batch of 8 priests to be ordained in Cameroon on the 08th of December 1935.

Right from the Seminary, he was accustomed to the practise of Contemplation, and had begun a small project with others, of an active and contemplative congregation.

In the year 1936, he was nominated vicar of a remote mission, where he was remembered as a priest full of zeal, very supernatural, one who did incredible things and who gave of his time without reserve.

Again, being highly influenced by the Theology of his era, he decided to stand out rightly against the Religious Traditional practises of this area.

He was recognized as a priest of great value and this made him to be appointed in 1947 to the large parish of New-Bell in Douala, where he became the Parish priest by the end of the year.

He gave all he had as skills in the parish, by developing various congregations and brotherhoods, in supporting also, the different Catholic Action groups and schools and he was very much available and his generosity for his flock knew no bounds.

Again, during the early years of 1950, the institution of the fraternities of the Brothers and Sisters of Jesus, in his parish, made him discover the Spirituality of Charles de Foucauld.
In 1953, he joined the secular institute of the Brothers of Jesus and asked for a Sabbatical year in order to do his “novitiate” in Algeria.

He will later become one of the founders at the international level of the Union Sacerdotale Jesus-Caritas and its first head in Cameroon and in Africa.

Also, given his love and influence among God’s people, he was even nominated alongside two others for the post of the Auxiliary Bishop to his Bishop.

Towards the year 1954, he had the feeling of a call to evangelise the peoples of North Cameroon who were considered “pagans.” After due prayer and reflection, and filled with the dynamic missionary spirit of the Encyclical “Fidei Donum,” he became, in 1959, the first Cameroonian secular missionary priest in his own country.

After a brief stay in the community of the Brothers of Jesus, he took residence in Tokombéré, where we have the present Diocese of Maroua-Mokolo.

Living alone and in complete destitution, the “barefooted missionary” spent his life fighting misery which, according to a wise Muslim, he saw in it an “enemy of God.”

His intense prayer life and his contagious joy served as luminous testimony of God’s love even in the remotest villages in his large parish.

Through his creation of schools, sanitary structures, undertakings against injustice, setups to cater for the youth and the call for universal brotherhood, he allowed for a real promotion of the population until it became contemptible. His worry of permanent dialogue with the leaders of Religious Traditions and his encounter with the Muslims made him the prophetic precursor of Inter-religious dialogue, which was further reemphasized by Vatican II and gained for him the nickname “Baba Simon” (Father Simon), which is still very much used, even 40 years after his death, by both Christians and non-Christians.

It is on the 13th of August 1975 that he passed away, exhausted, with a life completely dedicated to the service of God and men.

We recommend that you pray therefore, for this cause of Beatification as well as, for our dear Region of the Far-North of Cameroon, still exposed to threats from the terrorist group of Boko-Haram. Through the intercession of Baba Simon, may Christians know how to be at peace and to continue in his footsteps to testify to “the Good News of the Divine Filiation of every human being” (Benedict XVI, Africae Munus, n° 8)


PDF: Baba Simon, EN