Guidelines for Month of Nazareth (for his aprobal in world assembly of Cebu)

The First Pan American Assembly of our Priestly Fraternity held in Cuernavaca, Mexico, in February 2015, proposed to the International Team “to convene a team of four people to carry out a specific study on the identity, purpose, content and manner of carrying out the Month of Nazareth that allows writing a document with Common Orientations, respecting the cultural particularities of each country. This document would be presented for approval at the next General Assembly”.

The International Team accepted this proposal and at its meeting in October 2016, it resolved to request Manuel Pozo (Spain), Jean Michel Bortheirie (France) and Fernando Tapia (Chile), to set up this commission and draft a document on the Month of Nazareth.

The brothers accepted this assignment, worked from their places of origin, studying articles of the IESUS CARITAS bulletins about the Month of Nazareth, collecting experiences and materials already prepared for previous months of Nazareth from different countries and finally met in Almería, Spain, February 20 to 24, 2017 to formulate these General Guidelines.

The main inspiring framework of this document is the text approved in the International Assembly held by our Fraternity, in Algeria, in 1982, entitled “The Month of Nazareth”. It has been incorporated in the latest editions of the Directory, in chapter IV “Our roads”. We transcribe it below.

This document has as main recipients the Regional Managers and their Teams, as well as the Coordinators of the Months of Nazareth and their Teams. It contains a First Part with Orientations of general type and a Second Part with schemes for the topics of reflection, questions for personal or group work and schemes for the meditations of the week of retreat, with some exercises for personal prayer.

Open the complete document (PDF): Guidelines for Month of Nazareth