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Author Archives: Fraternidad Iesus Caritas
(Italiano) Diario Regionale Italiano, giugno 2022
(Español) Horeb-Ekumene, junio 2022
Letter from Graz. International Team
We have lived very intense days both in Rome and in Graz (Austria). The canonisation of Brother Charles has been a great joy for us, shared with so many lay men and women, men and women religious, priests and bishops from all over the world. The vigil before the canonisation, the canonisation itself and the thanksgiving mass the following day brought us into contact with the whole Spiritual Family inspired by Charles de Foucauld.
Special mention must be made of the meeting that the Family had in Rome and the audience granted to them by Pope Francis. We were represented by our brother Eric Lozada. More than ever, we feel that we are a branch of the same tree whose roots are found in the witness and writings of the new saint.
We have noticed that his figure has awakened much interest in all the People of God, particularly in young diocesan priests, which fills us with hope. We also feel an urgent call from God to be more faithful to the charism of Bro. Charles: his deep attachment to his beloved brother and Lord Jesus, his elcoming of every man and woman as a brother and a sister, his simple and poor lifestyle, his missionary zeal motivated by true inculturation.
As International Team we want to continue to animate the spiritual life of our Fraternities throughout the world, by our Letters on the occasion of the celebration of the great mysteries of the Christian life, by subsidies for ongoing formation in the great pillars of our spirituality and by our presence at important events such as the Continental Assemblies.