Be Brothers, Britain and Ireland, june 2022

The canonisation has been a great celebration for the family of Br. Charles. It has encouraged us to live his charism of universal brotherhood with renewed conviction and fervour. It is a one-off opportunity to grow the Fraternity.

Sometimes, however, I have wondered: ‘What would, what does Br. Charles himself make of it all? How does being elevated to the ranks of the saints
sit with his desire to take the lowest place? For sure it is part of the paradoxical nature of the Gospel that he who humbles himself will be exalted. Like all the others, Charles had no say in his own canonisation, but is there a danger we could exalt ourselves in our jubilation? Thanks be to God there has been no sign of triumphalism in the celebrations, only joy and thanksgiving, In our humble gratitude we have a key to overcoming clericalism, the scourge of the priesthood and the whole Church. May Br. Charles, in the words of Pope Francis, enable us to share his dream of being a universal brother by identifying ourselves with the least and most abandoned people.


Read the complete doc (PDF): Be Brothers Britain and Ireland June 2022

MAURICIO, new bishop

Good news for the fraternity: our brother Mauricio da SILVA JARDIM, from the fraternity of Brazil, has been appointed Bishop of Rondonópolis-Guiratinga (Mato Grosso) by Pope Francis.

Mauricio was born in Sapucaia do Sul, in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, on February 9, 1969. He entered the seminary at the age of 21, being ordained a priest on December 11, 1999 in the parish of Nossa Senhora de Fátima de Sapucaia do Sul, incardinating himself in the clergy of the Archdiocese of Porto Alegre, capital of the State of Rio Grande do Sul.

He was parochial vicar and parish priest, adviser to Youth Ministry, vocation animator and spiritual director of the Preparatory Seminary of the Archdiocese of Porto Alegre. He has also been a missionary in Mozambique, as he is a specialist in missiology.

He was appointed national director of the Pontifical Mission Societies of Brazil (POM) in 2016. The position and responsibility have led him until 2021 to carry out great work in coordination and animation in the Brazilian Church: a missionary and evangelizing spirit. All this in order to an outgoing Church, a nearby Church, Samaritan and in the peripheries.

In November 2012, at our world assembly in Paris, I chose him for the international team of our priestly fraternity Iesus Caritas, as a brother from Latin America. Working with him until January 2019, and with Jean-François, Emmanuel, Mark and our dear Félix, has been a very positive experience of brotherhood and teamwork.

Mauricio joins the list of Brazilian bishops of the fraternity, along with Jeová and Silvio lately, and Edson, Eugénio and others. It is a great joy, therefore, for all the brothers of the world. May his ministry, in the order of the successors of the apostles, be marked by the call to always be at the side of the poorest, in his diocesan Nazareth, always listening to priests, laity, other Christian groups and those who are far away. of the church. He will be consecrated bishop in Porto Alegre, on August 19, 2022. Our prayers, our joy and our best wishes. “Ad multos annos”.

priestly fraternity Iesus Caritas of Spain

PDF: MAURICIO, new bishop eng

Letter from Graz. International Team

Dear Brothers,

We have lived very intense days both in Rome and in Graz (Austria). The canonisation of Brother Charles has been a great joy for us, shared with so many lay men and women, men and women religious, priests and bishops from all over the world. The vigil before the canonisation, the canonisation itself and the thanksgiving mass the following day brought us into contact with the whole Spiritual Family inspired by Charles de Foucauld.

Special mention must be made of the meeting that the Family had in Rome and the audience granted to them by Pope Francis. We were represented by our brother Eric Lozada. More than ever, we feel that we are a branch of the same tree whose roots are found in the witness and writings of the new saint.

We have noticed that his figure has awakened much interest in all the People of God, particularly in young diocesan priests, which fills us with hope. We also feel an urgent call from God to be more faithful to the charism of Bro. Charles: his deep attachment to his beloved brother and Lord Jesus, his  elcoming of every man and woman as a brother and a sister, his simple and poor lifestyle, his missionary zeal motivated by true inculturation.

As International Team we want to continue to animate the spiritual life of our Fraternities throughout the world, by our Letters on the occasion of the celebration of the great mysteries of the Christian life, by subsidies for ongoing formation in the great pillars of our spirituality and by our presence at important events such as the Continental Assemblies.

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